Oct 23, 2008


My grocery list today:
  • 1/2 gallon milk (don't even ask what we pay in NYC)
  • Package of sun-dried tomatoes
  • 2 Spanish onions
  • 1/2 gallon Orange/Peach/Mango juice
  • Peanut butter (creamy)
  • Gorgonzola cheese
  • Fage yogurt (Greek)
  • Sour cream
  • Fresh parsley
  • Amy's burrito (for my lunch today)
  • 2 pears
  • 1 package bacon
  • 1 bag carrots
  • English muffins
  • Whole wheat bread
  • 2 Downy balls (love these.)
  • Amy's frozen pesto pizza
  • Tomato sauce
  • Flour tortillas
  • Pumpkin pie seasoning
  • Can of artichoke hearts
  • Clorox Bleach pen (love these, too.)
  • 1+ lbs. ground beef

When I was checking out, the woman said "Delivery, right?" Hmm, nope. I carried them home, all 7 bags + my purse. It's easy to make this mistake in New York City. You think, It can't be that bad. The thing is, nine times out of ten, it really is that bad. Sometimes though, unless you want to fork out an extra $15 for your groceries to be delivered (or a cab ride), you just don't have a choice. So, I walked the 5 blocks back to my apartment, arms burning & sweat breaking out on my forehead (it's barely 50 degrees today). Not fun.

I weighed myself when I got home, bags & all. 170 lbs.

I'm 5'5".

I'm obviously not going to broadcast my weight to the www. I know I'm not as thin (!) as Taylor, but I also know I'm healthy. My groceries were obviously (I hope?) heavy.

Did I mention I stayed home from work today? Sick. Boo. But we don't have any food in our fridge. I had to go. Just to pick up a quick snack for my lunch. And then things (obviously) got a little out of control.


suz said...

bummer on being sick - hope you feel better soon. I can't imagine that treck every time you need food.

Bret said...

so i purchased Mr. Radin's new cd on iTunes last night. i like his sad songs better.

Jill said...

oh so sorry you're sick. hopefully not too sick.

i hate feeling like a pack mule. i do it all the time too. especially from trader joes. my arms are not as strong as my eyes are big!

Lindsey said...

Are Amy's burritos good? We have them at our whole foods... I've wondered about them before.

You are thin. But I am glad you are not as thin as Taylor. I'd be worried.

The Jackson Three said...

it's better with a stroller - you can just load your groceries on there.

Unknown said...

Brad and I were just talking tonight about those walks to (and especially from) the grocery store in Boston. They killed me.. especially since I was pregnant the entire time we lived there.. and I DID start paying the delivery fees. That was expensive grocery shopping.
I'm sure you have great arms.

The last comment made me laugh. I think after we bought our stroller and before Cole, we may have gone to the grocery store once WITH the stroller.. and obviously no baby. It was SO worth it. :)

k. said...

Lindsey, they are pretty good... I like most of the "Amy" products generally speaking- & they are all organic, I think. My burritto was vegitarian, with rice / beans / cheese / veggies / guacamole / etc. It was a good lunch for 1.