Oct 24, 2008

I appreciate people who are really positive, but I'm not always that person.

  • I was home sick yesterday. Mike is home sick today, much more sick than I was. Sad.
  • My arms/back are sore from carrying groceries for 5 blocks yesterday. Sad (that my muscles are really that weak).
  • I dreamt last night of massive worldwide destruction, which resulted in us living on an island of misery that sort of looked looked like The Tower of London (sad), but with tropical beaches (lovely).
  • I work at a hedge fund. Maybe sad?

*In happier news, I made these cupcakes-in-disguise yesterday & I love them. So good.


Heidi said...

You should get one of those grocery push things with hooks for bags that are intended for use by city dwellers. I saw one in Bon Appetit once and it made me want to live in a city just to use one.

Lizzie said...

Oh no. I should not have read that article. I'm maybe sort of freaking out. Maybe even with the coupon I should resist buying that lovely black dress ... then again, maybe not.

Sorry about the sickness. That stinks, but at least Mike is not out of town anymore! Too bad you couldn't both be home sick on the same day. That happend to us last year & it ended up being really fun.