Oct 15, 2008

I might just not get on the plane.

It wouldn't be so bad if I never came back, right? I mean, that's what blogs & email & Skype & telephones & texting & even snail mail is for. We could still be friends... if I lived in London, instead of New York. I'd come visit, promise.
We've had a great trip. A perfect trip, really, minus some sore feet (me) & the now-desperate need for a really great pedicure (also me). I love this city, & while it feels familiar (as I live somewhere with a similar urban atmosphere & maybe even a common energy), it is wonderful & unique. I'm comfortable here, squiggly roads & all.
Our flight takes off in about 10 hours. I'm at the hotel, looking out the window, & for the first time in 5 days, it's drizzling. I don't mind.
I've only taken about 500 photos (we had to pick up an extra memory card thanks to Mike's laptop hating my card reader). I've been somewhat of a Northeast snob, in thinking that there's just nothing better than fall in New England. Uhm... I might just take that back. Sorry. Just wait until you see my photos- from Hyde Park, St. James Park, The Cotswolds, Oxford, even just photos of the streets covered in the most magnificent leaves... It's not that my talent is so spectacular- but the colors certainly are.
Happy Birthday to my brother Patrick today. He's 30, just great & I love him.
I'm off to explore The Tower of London.


Jill said...

hello hello. i really am looking forward to seeing those pictures. and i think you should come back. :) london is just a hop across the pond.

Lindsey said...

I'm SO glad you had such a great trip. I vote that you don't go back! It would be so fun to have you here permanently. Can you and Mike transfer? :)

Had the best time yesterday. Can't wait to see the photos.

Kera said...

I vote move there so we can have a fun person to visit in London. Phil & Jan would be thrilled :)
Can't wait to see pix.

Tara Edwards said...

No no no no no no no no no no
But I'm glad you had fun :)

Heidi said...

Yes yes- Let's all move there and be neighbors! Cannot wait to see all 500 pictures (I am serious)!

Jan said...

Sigh. I knew you would love it, but please don't entertain those thoughts.....Oh pooh....entertain any thoughts you want. It would be a fabulous experience, and we DID live in Switzerland when Tara was young. I wouldn't trade that time for anything!

Amy said...

Nope, can't move there-not when I just started to get to know you! The leaves and colors sound so nice. I was in London in January of one year without a coat, because I was on my way to Africa. I don't remember it being so pleasant. =) Safe travels back!

C & E Hudson said...

I can't wait to see your pictures,, I am sure they are amazing,, have fun!!!!

Jennifer said...

I told you...you can't really describe how great it is until you've experienced it for yourselves and now you have!

Can't wait to hear more.

Scott and Elly said...

I'm so jealous! Sounds like an amazing trip...can't wait to see your pics!

di said...

o i am so excited to see your photos!! if you move to london - make sure your flat is big enough for our big booties - we got a whole lotta it! :)

mmsnyder said...

Hey Kathryn! I found your blog after you left a comment on my blog awhile back and recently started reading yours... I must admit, it's quite fun to read :) I absolutely loved all your posts about the anonymous comment, you're too funny. Glad you're loving London... Landis is there right now too!


Lula. said...

What fun...and I thought we were having fun in San Francisco. Can't wait to see pictures!

Missy said...

It really is the greatest place - just one more person to be jealous of Lindsey living there daily right?