Oct 16, 2008

I saw my friend Lindsey (w. Oliver & Isobel).

My friend Lindsey lives in London. You could say we've been pen pals. I like her even more, now that we've met in person. We had so much fun, eating breakfast at Le Pain Quotidien & then playing at Marleybone High Street playground with Isobel & Oliver, followed by a nice, long (albeit not long enough) walk. If I lived in London (or if they moved to Manhattan), I think we'd do this often.
I liked them so much that I took a million pictures.


Lindsey said...

We would for sure do that often. I loved seeing you and love that we have a picture together! Thanks for taking so many great pictures of my kids. I am going to frame some...but am having a hard time deciding which ones. :)

Heidi said...

Kathryn you are a pro! These are all gorgeous

Jill said...

that little girl is SO cute. i love the colors in the shot of the rope/back of her head.

Tara Edwards said...

How totally fun! And your pictures are amazing. Great job!