Oct 19, 2008


I've watched SNL somewhat consistently since high school (it was the best way to get an extended curfew on Saturday nights). I know that there were the classic days of Chris Farley, David Spade, Chevy Chase, Molly Shannon, & others- but I'm not sure it has ever been better & I really just love the cast right now & the material that they so readily have to work with.

Last night was no exception. Both of the Palin skits had us rolling (as well as feeling just a twinge of sympathy for her). The New York Times even liked her.


Kera said...

that second one has to be one of the funniest skits ever.

Heidi said...

One of my favorite political videos from SNL didn't make the show: http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/c-span-bailout/727521/

Lindsey said...

That is hilarious. Probably a good move for her to go on SNL. I'm actually really surprised she agreed to it.