Nov 13, 2008


I'm hanging out with this cute baby girl tonight. That means that many of you (you know who you are) should officially consider yourselves on-call & available. Just in case. I don't know much about this baby business.
(Don't worry SJ, Norah & I will have a great time!)


Lindsey said...

Fun. What a cute baby.

I remember babysitting a 4 month old baby when I was pregnant with Isobel. I had to call my mom to ask if babies slept on their front or back... and I couldn't get the baby to eat any rice cereal.

Jill said...

oh help me, she is just adorable.

Unknown said...

You will do great, and of course, feel free to call if you need to :)

Heidi said...

Oh she is cute! Love the arm rolls. Good luck!

Sine family said...

I'm not even worried about you. You will do great. If you get bored I'm just down the street and husbandless for the night.

PS I'm not sure why my temple comment ended up on the wrong post. Weird.

chelsea mckell said...

...neither do I, and I've been at it for over 9 months.

Sarah Jane said...

Kathryn, THANK YOU again. Norah had a great time!