Nov 13, 2008

He just knows.

There is an old man at the top of the subway station stairs at 125th street every day. His job is to hand out copies of AM New York to anyone who will take one.
He's always saying happy things each morning (It's a beautiful day! Have a happy day! Don't you just love New York City?), even when it's raining, or freezing cold, & even when Harlem smells like warm, stewing garbage for no reason whatsoever. He's so positive. He says something nice to everyone who takes a paper.
Sometimes I take a paper from him just so I can hear him say, Have a lovely morning, my dear. He is never looking at me when he says this, eyes often rolled up into the back of his head or veered off looking at something unknown & distant- but he knows I'm approaching, & he knows that I'm female.
He's totally blind.


Tara Edwards said...

I love that. Don't you sometimes just want to be recognized for being just that! Not in a "I'm just a pretty face" sort of way, but that you are something female. Hmmm.

Jill said...

When I take the A train in the mornings there is one conductor that is my favorite. He says funny things, today it was "Good morning Manhattan, have an interesting morning."

Jan said...

How wonderful!

Missy said...

I bet it's because you smell pretty that he knows you are female.

Kera said...

I wonder if its the sound of your footsteps... Creepy :) JK, very sweet.

Emily said...

I used to do the same thing when I lived on Fulton Street! There was the nicest man handing out papers outside the 1/9 stop. It made my day. Don't you just love when you come across those truly kind people who can brighten your day? It makes me want to do the same for others.

Amy Catherine said...

He, in my eyes, is a great man.

Julia said...

I love the people in this city that make it the amazing place that it is. There is a bus driver on the M66 that is one of the friendliest people I can think of. One of my favorite things he says is when you are leaving the bus, and he says "I hope you can find a reason to love this city and be happy today." I see him at least once a week, and he is always happy. I love it.