Nov 6, 2008

I mean, it's not like I ever really branch out.

I think JCrew headbands are cute, per the norm (I'm so boring)
My friend Lizzie & I might have just tried on every single one yesterday
(really, we did)
This one is a favorite. I think I'd like it in white.
Or yellow.
Or pink.
Or maybe grey.
Or possibly champagne.
Don't be fooled by the little girl sizing. They fit my head quite nicely.


Jill said...

very cute and not pricey :)

Joanna said...

Oo, I love it! I tried the one from Antrho on but it did NOT look good on me.

Meg said...

You look adorable in headbands so I would get every color you love!!

Lizzie said...

That was fun :)

Katherine said...

I like it a lot! I loved the other one you bought too!

Caitlin said...

i just bought the pink today! Great minds think alike. What day next week could Ruth and I come up to Greenwich to explore and lunch with you?