Nov 26, 2008

Hello, it's Wednesday.

We're leaving soon to go up to New Canaan, & we'll be there for the next few days. Mike's family will all be in town (minus Dave, who's on a mission in Argentina) & it will be nice. We like being there, with the big fluffy couches in the living room & all of the pretty trees & birds outside of the windows. It feels good to stretch out in their home, to sleep in (we're both so tired this week), & of course, to make occasional runs to Costco, the outlet malls & Target via the convenience of a car. It's good to be in the suburbs - every so often - & New Canaan is beautifully refreshing.
My family? I miss them. It's hard to be away for most Hudson Family Gatherings (e.g. baby blessings, mission farewells, school plays, soccer games, Sunday dinners with family, etc. etc.) Most of them are in Portland at my sister Tara's home this week. I'm sad I'm not there (missing out on Tara's Thanksgiving Salad, her orange rolls, crepes for breakfast, etc., not to mention not being able to see my nieces & nephews), but that's the joy of being an adult, I suppose. Sometimes things just don't work out., & with airline tickets through the roof this year, we just couldn't justify it. This year we'll be local for Christmas as well, but I'm happy that Kera is coming to visit just before Christmas & that Andrew is coming in the spring.

I'm a few days late, but we had a really nice weekend. Saturday morning was spent doing errands (the crowds on 5th Avenue are already starting to form & the holiday music is blaring), then we went out to New Canaan with Jill & Brad + JT & Lizzie to take advantage of space + a perfectly large television to watch the BYU/Utah game. We won't talk about it beyond that, except that it was fun to be with friends & family to watch the (terrible) game.

Sunday was so great. Elder Holland was scheduled to be in New York City this weekend & they subsequently decided to hold a special conference of our stake on Sunday. I think that I would would feel sort of funny blogging about what he spoke about - I know it wasn't intended for the www or for mass-forwarding of emails, etc - but it was really amazing to hear from an Apostle, especially during these times when so many people are so anxious & lost. I loved hearing him speak off the cuff & casually (he made reference to a Brian Adams' song, & he's actually quite funny), & then to hear him speak so boldly. The spirit was strong & I so loved his message of staying in the boat, especially during the storms of life that can (& will) come. I also really love getting together as a stake. I know that the church is everywhere, but I just love the fact that our little island of Manhattan has such a strong group of members of the church.
I'm off to take a nap.


Jill said...

hi my dear. i've missed the chats today. and i just blogged about the conf. oops.

Unknown said...

I love hearing him speak as well! He is actually in our stake and his ward meets directly after ours. That means we're usually lucky enough to hear him at our stake conferences also.

He's funny. A real person. Usually he says he wants to talk to us like we're friends in his living room.. but last time was a pounding the fist sermon. (About don't you EVER think you have it bad.) Whichever way he delivers, I also KNOW how important it is to listen. We're so lucky to have real applicable counsel.

Kera said...

I'm so excited to come. Shae is too.

I miss my family too on big occasions when you know everyone is together. When everyone was talking about you and how much they missed you, Phil turned to me and said, "You probably miss your family too." I had to fight off the tears and brush off the question ;)