Nov 5, 2008

It's a done deal, so let's all be friends.


Jill said...

Oh I love it. Very very funny. :)

McCain was gracious in his concession speech, I thought, and I hope all voters react with the same morale. Some one has to win and not every one is going to be thrilled, but hey, that's what happens in a democratic country. Not every one shares the same opinion but we should all follow the laws of the land and be respectful. Not insulting.

I love when people say they are going to move to Canada over this. Drama drama.

Unknown said...

It was such a happy night! And then we woke up to 8 inches of snow this morning. Refreshing.

(I hope people can put it in perspective and realize regardless of whether or not they voted for Obama, they are now experiencing an incredible piece of history. One that will forever be in books from here on out. That's pretty great!)

dad said...

I'm afraid he'll be in my heart AND in my wallet.


Kera said...

wait a second. i thought election day was tomorrow!!!!!?????
still friends :)

Kera said...

patrick REALLY needs to sign in under his own name.

I'm on board. Everyone else should hop on and support, thats the patriotic thing to do.

Emily said...

Agree completely. He has the potential to turn this history-making moment into a strong 4 years of leadership and change. I'll support that, whether it's red or blue.

Jill said...

so the market doesn't like obama. red red red

k. said...

Per the New York Times (it's not Obama):

Stocks Slump After Election Rally

Investors took profits and dealt with another round of bleak
economic news as shares on Wall Street eclipsed their gains
from Election Day.

The selling began early after a report showed that the
nation's service sector contracted in October, falling at the
fastest pace since records began in 1997 and accelerated in
the final minutes.

At the close, the Dow Jones industrial average was down 5
percent, or 486.01 points. The broader Standard & Poor's
500-stock index declined 5.2 percent.

Jill said...

its the joke going around our office, put down yer dukes. :)

k. said...

I just got that news alert from the NYT right after you posted that comment. :) I should have included lots of smiley faces to show that I was not offended.

So- it's actually sort of Obama... more that people are realizing just HOW BAD the economy really is, and that Obama (or any president-elect) isn't a quick fix.

Blast this economy.


Amy said...

Girl, he's been in this little heart of mine for quite some time now! =) It was interesting to me to see how much race was talked about last night, after being sort of swept under the rug a bit during the campaign. But I'm glad it came out--because last night was an absolutely inspiring event for so many black people and others whom history has not been fair too. It has been really touching to me today to see how many black people are talking about politics and seem empowered for probably the first time in many of their lives to engage and be part of American politics! I'll stop now, but can I borrow your "Let Obama into your heart" for my blog? Love it...

k. said...

Amy, you don't have to ask- its all yours. I took it from another blog myself. :)

Lindsey said...

He's in my heart. I am loving our President-elect.

di said...

it's no secret 'i'm his number one fan' (ahhh i love that freaky movie!)