Nov 6, 2008


Seriously, it's all I can eat lately. I crave it on a daily basis, even for lunch & dinner (we didn't have any last night, so I settled for Kashi). I was looking around in the cupboards at work this morning & when I couldn't find it for a second, my heart started beating really fast (I found it- phew). It's probably just a phase - a la seaweed salad, which I can barely look at now without getting nauseous, but I still eat sushi a few times a week. In the meantime, Honey Nut Cheerios are all I want to eat. It sort of reminds me of my little brother Andrew who refused to eat anything but Fettuccine Alfredo & Honey Nut Cheerios until he was about 13. Seriously. It's amazing he's still alive.
In other news regarding my addictions, I haven't had caffeine in 2 months & 23 days. Now I just have to kick my aspartame problem.


Heidi said...

Did you make that little cartoon?

k. said...

No. I wish. :)

Lindsey said...

I thought you were talking about Oh's cereal, which I LOVE and always go through a box or two when I'm in the US. But regardless, cereal is usually a staple food in my diet. :)

Lula. said...

...are you sure you're not pregnant?

Just kidding. But seriously, I LOVE Cheerios while pregnant.

Lula. said...

Oh, and congrats on no Diet Coke (or caffeine in any of its forms)...truly commendable.

Lizzie said...

I am loving mutli-grain cheerios right now. I have a bowl with soy milk & raspberries every morning. YUM.

Jennifer said...

All I wanted to eat was cereal for the first three months and I"M NOT A CEREAL PERSON. I won't say it, but just know that I'm thinking it...

And the caffeine abstaining?


k. said...

Oh dear. I'm spreading internet rumors.


I'm not. Promise.

The caffeine was because I had a PROBLEM. A real, live, should probably-go-to-rehab problem.

k. said...

I was also going to say that lettuce has been making me super nauseous lately, but that would probably only fuel suspicions, right? But it does. I can't even think about eating it. SO GROSS.

But I'm really not pregnant. Promise.

Unknown said...

I love Cheerios. And rice checks and plain shredded wheat. Sometimes I feel like the soy milk makes it a little healthier??

Unknown said...

p.s. I kept on thinking "cravings" instead of reading "addictions" in your post too. It sounds like you have a lot of friends that are or just were pregnant. We're in the mindset. :)

k. said...

My smart friend Jill was kind enough to remind me that I'm still eating sushi. Lots & lots of raw fish. Not so good for a little bean in the tummy.
