Nov 22, 2008

Young @ Heart.

Friday nights are always mellow for us, after surviving five repeats of the daily grind. The extra-cold weather in NYC this past week didn't help matters, & I wanted to do nothing more than put on PJ's & wrap myself up in an extra-warm blanket. So, we stayed in last night. I made tomato soup & cheese quesadillas (I burned the quesadillas), & we rented a movie. Young at Heart. Seriously, best movie ever, or at least a really fun movie that everyone should probably watch right this second. Five minutes into it Mike said Kathryn, this is just so uplifting! with a huge grin on his face. I love that he chose the word uplifting (like a youth fireside, or a really good Special Musical Number in sacrament meeting), but it really was! The whole thing just made us smile, & it was so much fun to watch- especially on YouTube afterwards, when we found more of their versions of songs by Outkast, The Ramones & Radiohead.


Heidi said...

I have never heard of it! I love staying home with a good movie on Friday nights.

Missy said...

That night sounds perfect to me. I want to find that movie too.

Lula. said...

I watched a special on the movie, and I think "uplifting" is the perfect word to describe it. I love it when people find true passion. Especially such folks as this movie portrays.