Dec 10, 2008

Cheese Whiz.

There really is almost nothing more embarrassing than going into a grocery store & trying to find Cheese Whiz. Yes, I said it. Cheese Whiz. The recipe that I'm making tonight calls for lots of it. So gross, right?. It's a really, really good recipe. I promise. I just can't think about what's in it.
I went grocery shopping early (early.) this morning. The store that I go to doesn't have a tremendous number of people who speak strong English. So, to compound on the embarrassment of asking for Cheese Whiz, I had to actually explain what it was I was trying to find with a massive communication barrier.
Me: Do you have Cheese Whiz?
Nice man: (Looking very confused.)
Me: It's not really cheese. It's sort of a non-food item. Sort of gross, actually.
Nice man: (Still looking very confused.)
Me: It comes in a jar.
Nice man: Oh! (smiles, & leads me over to the gourmet cheese section of our grocery store that is the size of my apartment)
Me: Never mind.
I walked home, in the rain (no umbrella of course, because how am I supposed to carry four bags of groceries, a purse & an umbrella), & immediately called another grocery store nearby.
Me: Hi, do you carry Cheese Whiz?
Nice lady on the phone: Cheese Burgers?
Me: No. Cheese-Whiz.
Nice lady on the phone: It sounds like you're saying "Cheese Burgers". We don't have any cheese burgers.
Me: No, Cheese Whiz. Cheese, like "cheese", & then w-h-i-z. Cheese Whiz.
Nice lady on the phone: Oh, like the kids like. Yup, we have it. It's on sale!
(Recipe here.)


suz said...

Oh lucky you, it's on sale! Funny post! :)

Julia said...

that is hilarious. Eric loves cheese whiz, and I can't stand it. He thinks it is really funny to try to sneak it into my food when I am not looking. Believe me, it's not funny.

Lindsey said...

this made me laugh. it sounds like some of my conversationms with store clerks here.

i don't think i've ever had cheese whiz. i am curious about your recipe now.

Heidi said...

Gross but I totally loved Cheese Whiz in elementary. Not sure why my mom even bought it! What is the recipe?

Sine family said...

So funny. I've had lots of those conversations.
I also love that Eric tries to sneak it into Julia's food.

Jennifer said...

Oh, do NOT even knock Cheez Whiz. The Whiz on celery is one of our family's most treasured holiday food traditions. I'm not even kidding.

Ryan doesn't understand it for a second.

Jennifer said...

ps...this post made me appreciate the suburbs...just for the ease of grocery shopping and all.

Missy said...

This was so classic. I love it when people don't get what you are saying and you have to keep repeating, sort of making you feel silly, but then when they get it. They totally get it.

How much is it out in NYC?

di said...

man, i love cheese whiz. i do. :)
and could you please put some photos of the food you highlight on your wonderful wire whisk blog? i think seeing photos will somehow entice me to actually use my kitchen - sadly the microwave gets the most attention. :) like that one sarah jane made...

Tara Edwards said...

So you haven't had a really good Philly Cheese Steak sandwich, unless it has Cheese Wiz on it. It's seriously so good! With grilled onions and hot sauce. Yum! I think it's the only thing I miss about Philadelphia!

Elizabeth said...

what did you make that called for cheese wiz?