Dec 16, 2008

Sick day(s).

I went to work yesterday, threw up shortly after my arrival, & got back on the train to go home. I thought I was maybe pregnant for an hour, but I'm not. Just the flu. If being pregnant feels like the flu though - wow, sounds like a lot of fun. Anyway. Day #2 at home. I'm feeling a little better, & my fever broke last night, but I'm taking it easy today & spending another day on the couch. Yesterday was frustrating. I was sick enough that I couldn't get a single thing done. I mean, what's the point of being home sick if you can't tackle your personal to-do list? My list is currently long. There was plenty to do. Instead, I was in bed for 5 hours straight, & didn't get up until Mike got home. Even then, I spent another 4 hours on the couch until I fell asleep & Mike made me go to bed, in my bed. Not a fun day. Oh, it didn't help that all of my Christmas gifts that are west-coast bound are sitting in a bag in my office at work. I intended to go to the post office in Greenwich yesterday to get them sent, but the puking incident foiled that plan. They might just be late, & that will just have to be okay. .
Today - I may be wearing the same pajamas I was in yesterday, but I'm feeling well enough that I can sit upright. I managed to eat some oatmeal & I'm thinking that it might just stay put. I'm currently watching a documentary on Einstein (hooray for perfect timing on the arrival of cable). I'm going to practice really hard getting better, because Kera gets here tomorrow & we are going to have so much fun, especially if I can be upright for more than hour.


Unknown said...

Throwing up is the worst! I hope you can keep the oatmeal down and are feeling better for your sister in law tomorrow.

I like being in pajamas when I'm sick. It's the no shower thing that always gets to me. But dry hair, clean face and pjs? Almost worth the being home...

suz said...

So sorry your sick. I hope you feel much better today.

Kera said...

oh sad. very sad. We will make you some chicken noodle soup. Don't step one foot out of that apartment today. Lay that pretty little head down and force yourself to sleep. ALL DAY.

Lindsey said...

i hope you feel better. being sick really stinks. sleep lots! watch cable lots!

Heidi said...

O man- hope you feel better soon!

Jill said...

that is the worst kind of sick. i hope you're feeling much better! and your cable timing was impeccable.

Julia said...

That is the worst kind of sick. Sometimes I like sick days, but not when you are so sick you can't do anything.

Lizzie said...

That stinks! I am so sorry.

Amy said...

Bummer...feel better!

di said...

what? you're sick? oh no! what do you need? i'll diagnose you. :P seriously though, i'm so sorry you've been under the weather - please call me if i can help...altho i can't cook/ or make chicken soup - so don't call me for that...well for you, i would. xoxo