
Watching the Turkey Bowl. Very intently.

.Undies + thermals + clothes + coat + blanket + 2nd blanket + hat = finally warm @ the Turkey Bowl.

Mike's sweet potatoes. Best ever.

Thanksgiving day. The backyard. My 4th Thanksgiving as a Whiting, my 6th (!) Thanksgiving loving Mike.

Kathryn * Mike * Cara * Dan * Bryan * (Dave in Argentina)
We had fun in New Canaan. We went to the annual Turkey Bowl (a victory for the New Canaan Rams), went to the mall a half-dozen times, slept in (lovely), made a midnight run to the outlet malls on Black Friday (12am-4am!) & cooked - I made guacamole & mashed potatoes on Thursday & crepes for breakfast on Saturday. I played the piano for a long time on Friday, something I haven't done in months. My hands & back hurt afterwards, not to mention the fact that I can't get through a quarter of my old pieces. Depressing. Anyway - The weather was great most of the weekend, it was fun to see Mike's siblings who were all in town (sans Dave) & it was good to take a break from work & relax for a few days.
Oh - I bought a pair of jeans at Abercrombie & Fitch. I felt so, so old in that store - with the blasting techno music & overpowering smell of cologne - not to mention the fact that the clothes are all made for miniature people. I mean really, is that store intended for 3rd graders? I felt so huge, but my jeans are cute & soft (I love soft jeans.), perfectly skinny (i.e. not too skinny), & weren't priced in the triple-digits. The other good news is that they're the same size as my jeans in high school. The bad news is that I was kind of chubby in high school & was happy in college when that finally went away. Sigh. Anyway- they were an impulse-buy. But really? Abercrombie? I'm sort of embarrassed. I haven't bought anything from there in about 4 years.
It's Monday. And December. Time for new resolutions, I suppose. I exercised this morning, for the first time in weeks. Power90. 5:45am. Not so bad, but I'm thinking I won't be able to walk by the end of the day. Finding the time to exercise has been seemingly impossible for the last... oh, year. All I need is 3 more hours in a day, & then I'd be set - thin, a well-fed husband, & a collection of finished books on my bookshelf. I would maybe even develop a real hobby, besides work. Work just doesn't count as a hobby.
My arm is still swollen/red/painful from my morning wasp encounter. Does this mean I'm allergic?
Fun Thanksgiving post. They opened an Abercrombie in London last year. I agree - made for mini people. And they have Hollister here now too. I went in the other day and felt like I was in Provo...it was laid out exactly the same! And they smell the same over here too. Fun you got new jeans there. And perfectly skinny? I am still on a quest for those.
Cute pictures.
You look freezing in that photo all bundled up!! Made me want to wrap up in a blanket just looking at it. I would definitely look into that wasp sting if it is still bothering you. Oh and those sweet potatoes do look amazing!! However I am finally comitting to losing my baby weight so I guess I can't make them anytime soon ;-)
You play the piano? I'm jealous. I took lessons and finally quit when I was like 12 b/c I hated it so much and now I wish I could play more than just God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again.
You look so pretty in your family photo. That sweater is perfect, where is it from?
you look very priddy.
I am still on a very unsuccessful coat mission. Patrick and I went out today and purchased yet another coat we will be returning tomorrow. sheesh. I think I might just get that lousy gap maternity down coat and call it quits. The boots came today and I walked to the store in them. Love them.
Those two photos of you and Mike are quite incredible. You are beautiful people (sorry for the gushing, I just think they are that good).
I hate shopping in Abercrombie, I can never stay long enough to find something-- mostly because of the discouraging "small people" sizes.
i love the picture of you at the turkey bowl!
Such pretty pictures, Kathryn! You are gorgeous. I want to see your jeans! But, actually, then I'll just want to buy them. And I told myself "Self, no more JEANS!" Unless they are a "need" and not a "want"... I just might need them. :)
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