Great video here from the Tony's & Lin-Manuel Miranda's amazing acceptance speech here.
Puffy, but warm. By the way - my jacket? $15, from the Gap (sale + sale + sale + coupon = really ridiculous deal the other day). Thank you, recession. Mike keeps telling me that I'm single-handedly going to save the economy. I do what I can.


There were approximately 57 version of Lady Liberty.


So, sort of a side story, but on Friday while out shopping in the freezing cold, rain & slush, the three of us (girls) decided that purple eyeliner was an immediate necessity. For all of us. Apparently purple is a complementary color for any eye color (especially green), so we all picked up our own perfect shade at the MAC counter at Bloomingdales. I may have over-applied. Oops.


We will be on an airplane, landing in SLC, when the clock strikes midnight this year. Lame, but it shaved off a few hundred dollars a piece on our ticket prices (not lame). By the way - Times Square on New Year's Eve is on my list of THINGS NEVER TO DO. Ever.

I'm really glad that K & S came to visit us. It makes me feel loved, & closer to my west-coast family. We had a really good time, so good that I just can't wait to go to sleep tonight. I'm tired! Come back soon. Maybe next time when it's a tiny bit warmer & when our wellies are not absolutely necessary. :) Oh my gosh Kera, what would have done without our wellies?
The purple eyeliner looks great, Kathryn!! However, I still might be bothered by the rude artists at Mac.
Thanks again for such a fun trip!! You and Mike are so great and such awesome hosts... I appreciate everything you two did for us. Let me know when you are in Utah for a Nordstrom Extravaganza-- :)
We are going to be landing in SLC that night too! How fun would it be to meet up in Utah. We need to chat sometime. Merry Christmas.
I'm thinking I need some purple eyeliner! How cute! And I think just once, you need to spend New Years in Times Square, just so you can say you did it. I'd come out to do it with you :)
I would love to see that show- I need to find a way out east...
Lin-Manuel Miranda = the man
I really want to see that! I love WaHi! And unlike other musicals, people really to dance and sing in the streets there-- the Dominicans throw the world's best parties.
I love the Assman license plate. We are Seinfeld lovers and it sort of made me laugh seeing it.
Love the purple eyeliner. Was it a pencil or a shadow turned liner with the angle brush? I know, too many questions, sorry.
I love my purple eyeliner. Cute photos of you girls. I also like the 'assman' pic of you and Mike. :)
Missy, I ended up getting a pencil - but you could do the same thing w. a wet angled brush. :) It turns out that I already had dark, dark purple shadow that I did this with (I clearly have too much eyeshadow, because I just plain forgot), but I like the pencil sometimes.
Love these pics. I guess even if I can't see you all the time I can see what you are seeing via the photos on your blog. Looks like you had a blast. Mike should be happy about coming to Utah because it has snowed every day I have been here!
remind me to ask you about this show. a friend of mine swore by it, but i don't know much about it. let's discuss sometime.
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