Jan 7, 2009

Bribery. Works like a charm.

Given that Hudson is always initally somewhat wary of me every time we come to visit (not often enough), I came up with a little tool of sorts to help him get over that apprehension a bit more quickly. Nothing like a huge, bright sucker from Dylan's Candy Bar to do the trick, even if I had to remind him a few times to lick it like a snake instead of biting it like an alligator. We were great friends the rest of the trip! I'm sure Elizabeth loved that I gave it to him at 9am, right before breakfast. Oops.


Katherine said...

I use this trick too!

Elizabeth said...

He asked where you were today. He also thought Grandma and grandpa were still here..

He would love you without the candy by the way it just might take a minute longer.. Fruit snacks are what we use around here.

Tara Edwards said...

Aunts are the best! But when you come visit me, you can bring my kids kiwi! They think that's a treat!

Lindsey said...

bribery is a great trick. i use it all the time.

Jill said...

cute george. this pictures are awesome. love the lens.