Jan 7, 2009

Do you like my haircut?

I got my hair cut when I was in Utah. I like it. I think. People seem to like it (or they're just being nice because they know that nothing can be done about it for at least the next three weeks). Or maybe I just really look like Jim Carey from Dumb & Dumber, which probably isn't a good thing, but either way, I have bangs. Again. They're choppier this time, more modern, more fringey. My hair is darker. I think I look sort of emo. The fact that I've worn all black for the last two days probably doesn't help.

Day 1 (Tuesday): I got in to New York off of a red eye (i.e. barely got any sleep), took a cab to my apartment, took a shower, got dressed, got a little depressed that Mike was sound asleep in our bed, & hopped on a train to Connecticut. Outfit: black pants, black flats, black socks (it was cold), black turtleneck, black coat, gold bag (I tried).

Day 2 (Wednesday): Tired. Oh so tired. And a headache. Where did this headache come from?! After snoozing my alarm for a full 60 minutes, I was late. I checked my BlackBerry & saw an email from Mike that he sent on his way to teach seminary @ 6:15am. And I quote - It's awful outside. Make sure you dress for cold, windy rain. Hooray! I love cold, windy rain (or sleet & ice & gusting winds as the news said). Outfit #2: Black turtleneck (a different one), black skirt, black tights, black knee-high boots, black coat, black bag.

I may be lazy, but it works.


Jill said...

today i switched it up and wore gray.

Unknown said...

do we get a real photo? maybe I should go to that girl to do some bangs for me.. since my guy thinks they're too "molly mormon." I'm really feeling like I need a good change/makeover before my wide hips and flabby stomach return to normal. The joys! :)

Lindsey said...

I like your bangs. I think they look good. I like how you styled them best. they call bangs "fringe" here in england.

black works. i'm sure you look super stylish in black work outfits even if you think it might be the lazy/boring way out.

Heidi said...

I liked your hair! black is a favorite. But it is 60 degrees and sunny here so maybe that helps inspire one to wear color...

Jan said...

I like the fact that you aren't afraid to change it up once in awhile....unlike me. Color comes and goes...that's the fun of it.

Jennifer said...

Loved the hair! I kept telling Bri that I wanted cute, modern hair after seeing yours!

Missy said...

Wait. I need a real picture. I'm sure it looks great though.

Tara Edwards said...

I love black! I wear it daily in almost every outfit, but I would like to see your cute bangs!

erin said...

i've only seen pictures of your previous self, so i don't have much to compare it to, but i think your hair is tres chic. you'd need a lot more black eyeliner and some harsher angles in your haircut to be emo, and even then your wardrobe is far too lovely to be emo.