Jan 14, 2009

An Open Letter to Diet Coke.

Dear old friend:

We haven't seen each other in a while. It has been exactly 5 months since I have had a drink of your sweet goodness. Some said I couldn't do it, that I wasn't strong enough - but I believed. I stopped cold turkey. I endured a few weeks of endless dull headaches. I craved for your fizziness & bite. My lunches felt lonely, my afternoons sluggish. I struggled against my habit that was carefully packaged in silver & red.

But then I turned a corner.
I can say it now.

I don't miss you.
And I certainly don't miss your best buddy aspartame, either. I can't stand him anymore, actually. Diet soda? No thanks. Artificial & low-calorie anything? I can taste the aspartame. Gross.
I've moved on. I've made new friends. Their names are Perrier, Poland Spring, Cranberry Herbal Tea (with lots of honey) & an occasional orange juice when I need some real sugar. I still struggle stomaching plain water, but I'll get there.

As Heidi would say, you're out.


your former #1 fan


Lindsey said...

this made me laugh. you're clever.

congrats on your 5-month mark!

I can't handle the aspartame taste either.

Jill said...

for i second i thought this was going to be an 'i need you', good job on turning that corner!

Bret said...


emily said...

You are so funny.

Bret said...

Aufwiedersehen is german for goodbye. That is what Heidi says. "you are either in or you're out...you're out. Aufwidersehen"

Shaeli said...


I need to kick out the Diet DP