Jan 8, 2009

Tastier than naleshniki

Ben Brutsch

Snowchaser, Paradise, Powder Mountain

(Editor's note [the editor being Kathryn]: I had to call Mike this morning & ask him what in the world naleshniki meant. Apparently it's an inside joke between he & Ben - with naleshniki being a Polish pastry, & Poland being the locale of Ben's two-year LDS mission. Just thought I'd share, to avoid mass confusion.)


Jill said...

WHOA. Did he knock you completely over? Hilarious.

We need to all pitch in (with our millions) and buy a cabin in UT. We can winter there.

Jan said...

Gosh that looks like fun! Not too deep...just perfectly light and fluffy. What a great time you must have had!

Ben said...

Better than a whole stack of naleshniki!
Did the front-side slash pic from the last run not turn out?
I think the whole work team is going back to to powder tomorrow (pending wife permission) if we do I'll take a run in your honor.