Jan 14, 2009


I just love Daniel. I'm cheering for him, seriously cheering for him. He's only 19! He wants it. He's so supportive of everyone else & so inspirational (case in point: I didn't even have any ice cream last night while we were watching).

I sort of want to climb into my TV & drop-kick Joelle across the gym, although I would probably break my leg (I'm not being mean - but 310 lbs. would likely do the trick). Did you see Bob's total freak-out session on her last night? It was priceless television, especially coming from a guy who is generally so warm & fuzzy.
We're really liking this new setup of having TiVo, although it's highly possible that I'm watching more TV than I did before. The list of shows that we have to watch keeps getting bigger & bigger. Last night I decided that I had to sacrifice watching The Bachelor so that I can focus on more important things on TV, like the Sean White snowboarding special on MTV that Mike wants to watch over & over again, or the In the Womb series on National Geographic ("NatGeo" for the cable veterans, apparently) that shows the fetal development of cats & dogs. It's crazy.
The other shows on my "to watch" list:
  • Grey's Anatomy
  • The Office
  • The Biggest Loser
  • The City (don't judge - I want to see where all of the local hot spots are)
  • Private Practice
  • 30 Rock
  • The Daily Show
  • The Colbert Report
  • Lost (when it starts! 2 more seasons to go!)

You know, since I don't have any other things I should be doing. Like running. Or reading. Or cleaning my kitchen floor. Or learning how to sew or something equally domestic. Or bringing my friends fresh cookies from the oven or something.


Sarah Jane said...

Tivo is a beautiful thing. I can truly say it has changed my life. Now I can just 'bank' the shows I want to watch and go about my life knowing they'll be there when I'm ready for them. As a result I am perpetually an episode or a season behind the rest of the world, but most of the shows I Tivo are reruns of old shows anyway (The West Wing). We did just finish Season 1 (that's right, 1) of Mad Men though. Loved it!

The Jackson Three said...

I also like Daniel, and Joelle does need to be drop kicked. Maybe you could recruit some guys off the show to help you do it. And I also love The City...the drama!

Jill said...

I'm sorry but I can't support a TV show that makes you feel guilty for eating ice cream while watching it. But I must admit, he did seem pretty inspiration on the previews I saw for the show!

Heidi said...

I was going to ask you if you had been watching The City- I am a fan.

Jill said...

i had icecream. chocolate hagen daz.

Amy said...

No American Idol? =) I might have to jump on the "Lost" bandwagon when it starts up again. Which is...when?

Missy said...

I'm sort of with Jill. My favorite night time activity is watching tv while eating ice cream. But, I've never seen this show - maybe I should??

Melissa said...

We Tivo'd TBL last night so we're watching it tonight minus commercials!! Love it!

Kellie said...

I want to kick Joelle too. I was so sad when Jerry had to leave because it should have been her. I loved Bob's freak out too! I've never seen him like that before! AND...I laughed when he said he was "possessed by Jillian". Hee. My list of TV shows is large too...

mmsnyder said...

Couldn't agree more about Daniel and Joelle! :) It's almost sad how sucked in to these shows I can get!!


Lindsey said...

I have never watched The Biggest Loser. Is Grey's better this season? I kind of got sick of it.

k. said...

American Idol! I forgot about American Idol!

suz said...

Biggest Loser is the best show to watch on Tivo with there long recaps everytime it comes back from a comercial - just "beep" and I skip right through the made up drama. BTW, I love this show and Daniel is a fav.