Jan 15, 2009

You'll probably think I'm gross, but really.

I quit washing my hair. Seriously. Well, sort of.
  1. It takes forever to blow dry. Not washing hair = 30 minutes of extra sleep. Priceless.
  2. Our apartment is about 47 degrees in the morning, so lots of wet hair after a morning shower just isn't fun (brr).
  3. It's not great for your hair to wash it every day.
  4. Color fades faster if you do, & with the amount I have to pay to get it done, I need it to last as long as I possibly can (recession, recession).

Bumble & Bumble Hair Powder (thanks, SJ). It's a dry shampoo - sucks up extra oils, allows you to re-style hair, & gives great texture & body. Added bonus: I buy the brown version & it covers up roots in between color appointments if necessary. I'm washing my hair every-other-day now, or even every-3rd-day (gasp! don't judge). It's amazing, which made it easy to get over the psychological need of washing my hair every day.

I'm still showering every morning though. And I'm not smelly. Promise.


suz said...

I love it. I HATE washing my hair also and go every other {at least} day already. I will need to try this. No judging here.

Unknown said...

my hair dresser always tries to sell me a similar product (from Aveda). he swears by second and third day hair.. but I just can't do it yet. I love that just washed feeling.. but I agree: it can't be good for my hair. and texture and body- that's an added bonus on top of saving time. there's not much I enjoy less than drying all of my hair! it takes forever. (maybe that's why my typical get ready time happens sometime close to lunch. so sad.)

Jill said...

My sister uses that and loves it. I try and go every other day, but my hair can barely handle that! Ill have to try this out.

Jill said...

oscar blandi also has a dry shampoo. and i have always washed my hair every other day. unless its straight, then i make it last as long as possible. :)

Lula. said...

I have never washed my hair everyday... I have always been an every other day girl (at the least). I hate Hate HATE blowdrying. The dry shampoos they have now are great, but baby powder works well, too.

Heidi said...

Um last week I went five days without washing my hair. Now that is gross! I can only get away with that when i am not working out. Typically I only wash my hair 3 times a week (still not a lot). I just hate blow drying and doing it afterwards. I am sure i could benefit from said product!

Kellie said...

I've been an every other day girl for a while and recently started the every third day (if my hair cooperates). I'm with Heidi on the working out factor - I don't love that doing something good for my body results in excessive hair washing....

Julia said...

Wow, thanks for the tip- I am definitely going to try it. I always wash my hair every day, but I hate it. If I didn't wash my hair-- I could easily be ready in 10 minutes-- shower and everything!

Unknown said...

I'm already at every other day, too, but it doesn't really save me styling time unless I don't work out (even on the days I don't use shampoo, if I went running, I at least have to give it a rinse, I think).

Yet another reason why exercising is bad for you!

The Jackson Three said...

I say make a good blow dry last as long as possible! Washing hair is way overrated!

jocelyn said...

i'm obsessed with not washing my hair. i brag sometimes about how many days it's been without a wash to brady (who gets totally grossed out by me). my max is usually three days without looking completely nasty. but i've learned that the more time i go without washing it everyday the more i train my hair to not expect it and the less greasy it becomes. i do use baby powder thought which works nicely since i'm a blondie, but might difficult for a brownie. glad you found some great dry shampoo. i might try that one day.

k. said...

Yup, the baby powder concept would be great if I weren't a brunette (it would make my hair really ashy). Plus, I like the grit of this stuff. Grit being a good thing, of course.

Missy said...

Ok, total change from your post above. But, does it make your hair not greasy? Because if I don't wash my hair everyday it totally is greasy and gross. And do you just pull your hair back in a pony when you shower or do you use a shower cap? I'd be afraid to try it just in case I don't really believe it. Does it REALLY work Kathryn? Because I hate, hate drying my hair.

Scott and Elly said...

Never tried bumble and bumble (though I'll have to now) but I'm a big fan of dry shampoo. It's great when you're in a hurry!

emily said...

O.k. confession. I wash my hair once a week. SICK. I know. That's why I wear it up every single day. I only wear it down on the actual wash day or maybe the day after. Glad to see I'm not the only sick-o out there :-)

Julia said...

so, bad news. I got so excited about this, and bought it in white-- what they recommend for blonds (baby powder doesn't really work for me). But it turned my hair white-- seriously, it looks awful. I am so sad. I guess I am stuck washing and blow-drying my hair every day. Bummer!