Jan 19, 2009

We all need our Cafe Rio fix every so often.

I'm not a crock pot person. I'm just not.

I'll still keep mine forever though, even though it takes up four square feet of valuable closet space, because we made this pretend-Cafe Rio recipe for the 2nd time yesterday, & it really is just the best ever - a recipe that makes me feel like I can really cook (even though it's really easy). Especially the tomatillo dressing. Especially if you allow it to cook for the full 16 (16!) hours. Especially when you share it with friends (it serves a lot of friends). Especially when you make your friends bring fresh guacamole over. Especially with lots & lots of fresh cilantro.

I vote for making this regularly with friends. Who's in?


suz said...

YUM, Count me in - Oh darn, I live too far away. Maybe your sister and I should do it here on the west coast?

Katherine said...

I was just thinking about making this. I haven't had it for a while and I love it. I am going to cook the meat your way this time. Sounds good!

Tara Edwards said...

I'm in! And Suz - we can make it for dinner anytime, but I especially like beef tacos on the beach in Mexico. I wish you (K) could be there enjoying them with us!

erin said...

fresh cilantro? i sorta have a non-sexual crush on fresh cilantro. i've been sitting on this recipe for a long time but never made the journey. let me know next time you get the pot a-brewin'. where do you find good tortillas?

Lauren said...

It really is such a great recipe. I know what you mean about feeling like a good cook when you make it. ...always a hit!

Bri said...

I'm totally making this for my Inauguration Party tomorrow. I'm not kidding, it's in the crock pot right now.

Bret said...

I will be on the train so fast. The only thing I miss from Utah is Cafe Rio and Jim.

Jill said...

I had to argue cilantro's case at a party on Saturday night. Seriously, if you don't like cilantro, back away from the mexican food and leave it to me.

Lizzie said...

I've been craving this. It's the perfect thing for this cold weather!