Feb 19, 2009

A 25 year age gap doesn't mean we can't kick it.

I had a playdate today with a handsome little 1-year old. We had such a fun day, polished off by cupcakes from his lovely mother upon her return. More photos to come.


Heidi said...

Fun- that reminds me of the apron stage link you posted below

Unknown said...

I love the blue floor. Is it yours?

It sounds like you're quite the babysitter. And it always makes for great photos! :)

Tara Edwards said...

Fun for your friends to have you available to play with their littles! Can't wait for my kids to get their turn next week!

Unknown said...

I'm not sure my comment sounded like I meant it to. By babysitter.. I meant the perfect play date. Only good connotations. There is just something about being able to love the kids of your good friends/family. They/you are lucky. :)

erin said...

k dub, i think fox and i are growing rather attached to you. don't let that make you nervous.

and we'll pay you back somehow.

heart, e&f

Lindsey said...

Cute picture. And I also love Apron Stage (post below too).

Lindsey said...

oh, and my shirt came today! hooray!

k. said...

Kelli, the floor is in our building's children's playroom. Its a fun color, right? I think it would be a bit much for my fairly-neutral personal style, though. :)