Feb 20, 2009


We stared at the cars whizzing by on the FDR, pushed around the laundry basket for almost an hour, played on a pretend ship in our building's playroom & I maybe made him help with the laundry. Afterwards - we watched Baby Einstein's MacDonald Farm, read a few magazines & practiced running up & down the hallway before eating some applesauce while half-asleep.
We were quite tuckered out & ready for a nap by the end of the day.


erin said...

i'm glad you made him earn his keep. and fox, hope you got a good pull on that binky. it's gone tomorrow.

thanks kathryn.

Jan said...

Erin - I don't know you, but I have to tell you a cute story. Our grandson, Parker, had a severe binky issue. He sometimes had multiples in his mouth. One day his Uncle decided enough was enough. He simply cut off the very tip of every one. Suddenly there was no suction...all the fun was gone. Parker never knew who did it...but his mommy never had to be the bad guy, and that was the end of that. He did have an extremely funny look on his face when he made the discovery, but after trying a few times to make it work, just kind of shrugged the whole thing off and went about his business. It was actually pretty funny! Just an idea from Kathryn's mom.

Jan said...
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Lindsey said...

sounds like a great day! what a cute little boy. lovely photos as usual!

erin said...

good advice, jan -- kathryn's mom. since his birthday is officially on saturday, i'll give him one more good day with it, let him make a few final memories with his beloved binky, then we're snipping the tip.

Missy said...

His name is Fox? That is adorable. What a cutie. I LOVE that first photo Kathryn.

Lula. said...

Kathryn, I think you have found your calling in photography.

Elizabeth said...

Very fun and very cute boy!

Louise said...

I echo Lauren!! The next time you are in the UK, I will pay you to take pictures of my little one! Beautiful job.