Feb 20, 2009

Hit it B.A.!

I pity the foo' that doesn't have the iPity iPhone App, now free on the iTunes App Store! After all, don't we all wonder at some point during our day, 'what would B.A. Baracus do?'


k. said...

Kathryn (to Mike): Hey, what are you doing?
Mike: Blogging
Kathryn: About what? How much you love me [because that is what husbands do on blogs - they hijack it on special occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries, and blog about how much they love their wives]?
Mike: Nope. Mr T.
Kathryn: Oh.

Jan said...

Men...never could understand them...probably never will. BUT that being said...love them all the same.

Mike said...

Obviously no men read this blog. My expression of A-Team nostalgia has entered a complete vacuum.