Feb 20, 2009

Shout out to my Andean peeps

Every so often in my travels through this labyrinth of humanity we call a city I run across people playing authentic Andean music. Last night in Penn Station I ran in to two chaps hailing from Peru and Ecuador (same exact culture as Bolivia, where I spent two years as a missionary). I always get a kick out of these people's reaction when they realize that a WASPy guy in the audience actually knows quite a bit about what they're playing. In this instance I looked particularly WASPy having just come from a business meeting (i.e. suit and tie), so I decided to have some fun. I watched them stoically for an entire set, the only person standing in front of them for the duration. After the set finished, I yelled out "Toca Wistu Vida!" (Spanish / Quechua slang for "play the song 'Lazy Life'"). The flautist was floored. After regaining his composure, he played the request. I tipped him a few bucks and was on my way.
Ay caray, soy feliz! Con my wistu vida!


k. said...

I love subway music. Navigating the subways on a daily basis is a always a cultural experience...

Jan said...

How cool! I love those guys, having seen various groups playing in numerous cities from San Francisco to Mexico. It's such happy music....

erin said...

did they play that 'i'd rather be a hammer than a nail,' song? they ain't legit if they didn't.

Mike said...

What song is that?