I carry my camera with me just about everywhere I go - just in case.

Blur, blur, blur.
I was so frustrated mid-afternoon yesterday to discover that my lens was broken. It wouldn't focus, not even making the noise which was clearly a terrible sign. This meant that taking a photo of the mannequin in the Bergdorf window who, if a real person, would weigh 64 pounds, was quite a bit short of successful (but are you as appalled as I was? When Mike & I saw it together the other day when going by on the bus, he said Is that supposed to be a REAL person?? Her thighs had the same circumference as her ankles. Don't even get me started on the unrealistic expectations & pressures dumped on women by the media & stores like Bergdorf's who cater to triple-zero sized women with pre-pubescent & malnourished bodies).
Blur, blur, blur.
Everywhere I went I tried to figure out what was going on - even in the dressing room at H&M. Still blurry. Still very, very frustrated & having visions of spending more money to fix my camera than I actually paid for it.
Which is exactly where I remembered that nice little switch on the side of my lens - you know, the one that says AF & MF (auto focus & manual focus). It had been inadvertently switched to manual. An entire day of frustration because of something so, so stupid. I promise I (sort of) know how to use my camera.
please don't call my friend an idiot. we've talked about this.
that same switch has befuddled me several times. i like that first taxi/window picture.
I have done that before your not an idiot because if you were that would mean I was too. And we both know thats not true..
I've totally done that! No, I didn't but those ballerina shoes...I want to though!
Much better! I was getting worried in the beginning too. Glad you got it "fixed"
ya, but now you'll never make that mistake again!
It happens to the best of us. Your bangs are looking really cute.
K! That's Funny! I've done that before. So frustrating!
haha this makes me giggle, cause i soo dont know how to properly use mine!!
i have done that to many times to count...very funny. and annoying. :) by the way, yout bangs are really cute! i like em!
k i cant type.. but in my defense, i'm typing with one hand while laying down....sorry.
Speaking of cameras, and "I'm an idiot"....My camera which was just returned after being lost for a month, appeared to have been broken because I dropped it last night - I was heading over to take a pic of cute little Haidyn and had the lens extended in readiness when it slipped from my fingers. In seemingly slow motion it twisted and turned as it fell, landing on it's front corner and bouncing across the floor. I almost cried. Then as I picked it up, I realized there was real damage done...the lens would not retract and there were distressing messages on the screen about errors...multiple errors. I almost cried. Eventually I manipulated the lens back into place, but I'm not sure what that means....ultimately. More to follow later. It seems though that I might be better suited to owning a Fisher Price "My First Camera" ...I'm such a klutz.
Oh my gosh. Yes I just stalked your blog. I am friends with Jill Lloyd I noticed that you invited her over to watch movies. She is one of my best friends and I was glad to see someone would take care of her out in NY where she is so far from the rest of us! Anyways the real reason I am commenting is because I spent all of last Thursday whining to my husband about my lense being broke and how it was stressing me out to no end thinking of replacing it. Then I remembered the AF/MF button and felt like a moron.
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