Our apartment is on the 29
th floor & is very
exposed. I woke up early this morning thinking that our windows were going to be blown in by the 50+ mph wind gusts that were causing the windows to shake. Mike sent me these photos from his iPhone on his commute to work. Notice the garbage in the trees & the street sign/garbage can carnage. If it were a rainy day, broken umbrellas strewn everywhere would complete the scene.
Wow! That is amazing - I love Mike's expression in the first pic. So funny.
ohhhhhh man. laughing so hard. mike i love that you took these pictures with the tie flapping and the wind-blown hair. fantastic.
That picture of Mike is about the best thing I have seen all day (well, it is only 9:30am, but surely it will hold that status all day).
suzi and i nearly died on our way home from your house. it's ugly.
Seriously! Look at that tie! Actually I love weather of all kinds...blustery wind especially. I love the uncertainty of it, the power, the sound. Your picture caught it perfectly!
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