Feb 13, 2009


Fridays are for Shake Shack-ing, cookie-eating, park-walking & flower-smelling (husbands should be directed to the corner at Lexington & 90th Street for a wonderfully massive selection).
All with friends who are so lovely & fun.


Caitlin said...

Wish I could be there today. My mouth is watering just thinking about shake shack!

erin said...

have mercy. the burger and cookie are gummed up at the bottom of my stomach and might never leave. someone help me.

Suzi said...

Looks like a perfect day!

Julia said...

Looks like you guys had a nice time. I'm sad we missed you.

Heidi said...

That cookie alone looks divine!

Missy said...

Yum. That cookie and those flowers make it look like the most perfect day.

Jill said...

What a wonderful afternoon it was.

Scott and Elly said...

I just tried Levain last Friday and about died! The best cookie in New York...by far!