Feb 26, 2009


Hi there. 

I'm in Portland. It rains a lot here (which is why it's so beautiful & green), but today was sunny, & I'm happy to be here. Except that I miss Mike. Hi, Mike (on your iPhone?).

I have fun photos to post & stories to tell, but in the meantime, I'm just trying how to figure out how to use my computer (which I love, love, love - it finally arrived today). Especially the mousepad. It's a tricky little thing. Apple just redesigned it & it's... different. So I hear. No buttons, but still clickable, & I'm just practicing how to click & drag, & what it means to use one finger vs. four (or three, or two). It feels a little bit like yoga with one hand. You can do cool things with this mousepad, & I don't even know the half of it. Oh. Wait. Do you even call it a mousepad? What's the jargon? Mac people always seem to be way cooler than PC people. Like the commercials. Anyway. Tara even struggles a tiny bit with my "new" mousepad (whatever it's called) vs. hers, so that makes me feel a little bit better, especially since she's a Mac whiz. She could work at the genius bar. Basically. Except she doesn't know how to delete sticky notes. Does anyone know how?? It's really bugging me that I can't delete the one that I was practicing with. 

I'm learning. Obviously. 

In the meantime, my 10 year old nephew knows way more about Macs than I do, & they're all very impressed with the way that my keyboard that glows in the dark. And Harrison keeps asking if we can watch movies, which means that he wants me to go to YouTube & find him more Pixar short films. 

PS - Don't watch the movie The Dutchess. I watched it on my blasted 6+ hour flight on the way out here (totally worth it, but totally miserable), & it made me thoroughly depressed. Yuck. 


Heidi said...

Funny you say that about that movie because it just arrived in my mail today from Netflix.

Have fun in Portland!

Jan said...

Yes! I win! I know how to it! Just click in the upper left corner. If you're using a light yellow note the little white x doesn't show......but it's there. Click like you see it and the note will be all gone. Have fun girls!

erin said...

deleting stickies: that i know how to do, but it looks like jan beat me to the explanation. darn.

k. said...

Um, geniuses. Thank you.

Melissa said...

Congrats on your new Mac...they are the BEST computers! I absolutely love our imac!

Ryan said...

Say it with me. "Trackpad" Welcome to the Mac Family. I'm surprised that it's taken you so long to arrive.

Thanks for sharing Mike this week. We've had some great guy moments.

Lindsey said...

what mac did you get?

i've seen the duchess...i liked it in a now-i'm-depressed kind of way. incredible how women were treated. so heartbreaking.

anyway, i love portland. i played in basketball tournaments there, and our youth temple trips were always there too. beautiful.

k. said...

Linds, I got the Mac Book Pro. It's wonderful.

Heartbreaking is the word. I actually love Kiera Knightly (she's so good at period films), but the story just killed me. And the ending didn't really make me feel any better. All I wanted to do was go home and hug Mike, but I was on my way to Portland. And he's in Utah. Boo. I sort of have a hard time with super sad movies sometimes. They make me blue. Have you seen The Breakup? I had a pit in my stomach for days.

Anyway. :)

Tara Edwards said...

I think your blogs are more interesting now that you have a Mac. Just my opinion :)