Feb 27, 2009

She's 5.

Ellie was a little bored during her big brother's blue & gold scouting dinner tonight. So instead, she wrote her feelings on a napkin. To be delivered to this Liam fellow tomorrow, so she says. 


erin said...

liam's a lucky guy.

Missy said...

Ok, that is the cutest thing ever.

k. said...

Ellie was just looking over my shoulder while I was on my computer and said (while blushing profusely), "WHY DID YOU TAKE A PICTURE OF THAT?!"

Because when you're 17 I'll show it to your boyfriend, & it will be fantastic.

suz said...

Love must be in bloom with the Kindergartner set - my Emily said she LOVE, loves a boy in her class named John Paul.

I love that you photographed her note -

Tara Edwards said...

I asked Mrs. Aguilar about Liam, and she said that Ellie eats lunch with him, but they recently had a talk about how boys and girls don't need boyfriends and girlfriends until they are much older. Oh good. I was hoping that was still the case!