Feb 17, 2009

Tuesday round up.

Red Snapper Tacos.
  • We ate dinner with Mike's friend from work + his girlfriend at Stanton Social last night (see more photos & commentary here). Maybe the best meal that we've had in New York City. We had Red Snapper Tacos, French Onion Soup Dumplings, Hanger Steak 'n Tots, Wild Mushroom Risotto Cakes, Chipotle Grilled Shrimp, Old School Meatballs & Warm Donuts for dessert (there were four of us, & it's a tapas restaurant). Yum, yum, yum. Someone come visit me so that we can take you there.
  • I watched The Bachelor this morning (yes, this morning - don't judge). Isn't the concept of sleeping with three girls on three separate (& concurrent?) nights just kind of gross? It gives me the willies. Eww.
  • I'm going to Portland next week to visit my sister. I just can't wait. I'm already picking out my clothes to bring (I don't exactly have a lot on my plate right now). I don't even care if it rains every single day. I'll bring my wellies. Mike will be skiing in Utah that week & doing boy things, & Tara & I will stay busy doing girl things I'm sure. Sort of strange to be going on separate vacations, but in this situation, it will be just fine.


Lindsey said...

I wish I could come visit. That food sounds so yummy. Have fun on your trip! And really, sleeping with 3 different girls is lame. Why do they still want him? Yuck.

Jan said...

Oh gosh, that sounds SO good. I am just wanting to catch a pane...right this minute. That's absolutely my kind of food.
I watched the Bachelor too - Dad says I will be held accountable. I think he is right. I had exactly the same feelings you did....Do you really think he........with all three girls? No...not really.....really? I heard an interview w/ Naomi the other day(she got kicked off lat week) She said he was VERY much the gentleman and the producers just make it look like they want it to. But after all it's really not real...we just seem to like the thought of magical romance. Are we lame or what?

Jill said...

Joelle gives me a Bachelor update every morning so I don't even have to watch. :)

So glad that you enjoyed the SS, I need to go back too!

Unknown said...

I was hoping that going to the fantasy suite with each girl didn't mean that they each had sex, but I guess we never know. I like Jason though and was sorely disappointed that he got rid of Jill. She was by far the coolest. Melissa just reminds me of a high school cheerleader (she seems so 'young') but I think he's going to pick her. What's becoming of reality tv? First American Idol kicks off Jamar and now this. Lame.

I'm excited for you for your trip! I need some wellies. :)

Kera said...

I am sad he passed up the funny, smart, cute, and cool girl (who always dresses so good by the way) for the dallas cheerleader. oh well, I hope they make jillian the next bachelorette.

and yes, 3 girls, 3 nights, gross.

Missy said...

I always love your mom's comments. She is sweet.

I don't watch Bachelor, but that just sounds gross and I would venture to guess Kelli that he does actually have sex with each one of them. I'm grossed out at that idea too.

Red Snapper Tacos sounds SO good. I need to get myself out there.

Heidi said...

I cannot believe he (or any respectable human) would really have sex with three different girls in three consecutive nights! That is just trashy and I would like to think better of him. I was disappointed he got rid of Jill though!

I am happy for you to get to go visit your sis across the country!

Kellie said...

Count me in for Stanton Social - let's say sometime this fall...

Jennifer said...

Have fun on your trip--hanging out with sisters is the best.