Mar 13, 2009

23rd & Madison.

33 degrees didn't stop us. 

Isn't it pretty?  

I was feeling a bit nostalgic today (maybe it was the driver that yelled at me after almost HE almost killed ME, while I was legally crossing the street??). 

I said to Mike, I'm really grateful that we live here

I love our city. 

(Yes, yes I know my bottom photo is SO over-edited & grainy, but do you realize how hard it is to take a photo at night, without a tripod? It's hard. But  I like it anyway. I love The Empire State Building at night. It's beautiful. The end.)


Heidi said...

I like the bottom photo!

Jill said...

I love the shake shack so much.

Lindsey said...

i like the bottom photo too.

angry drivers. rude.

erin said...

maybe i need to go here tomorrow too... it looks so cute. what did mike say about tomorrow's weather? high of 49? that's doable.

Stacey Sargent said...

I like how the last photo turned out...over-editing is good sometimes I I like it!