Mar 12, 2009

Alice's Tea Cup.

Day: Thursday.
Weather: Brisk (I'm wearing my down coat again - boo), but bright & sunny.
Location: Alice's Tea Cup (UES location).
Company: 4 girls. 
Meal: Brunch.
Tea of choice: Mulling Spice (with orange, cinnamon, cloves & fennel flavoring).
Food: Smoked Salmon & Scones. Poached eggs & sliced smoked salmon atop a buttermilk scone with rosemary hollandaise sauce, served with a side of roasted asparagus & pears. 
Atmosphere: Perhaps suffering from a bit of identity confusion. Girlie-girl (e.g. dolls, butterflies & oversized chairs) mixed with Obama paraphernalia (e.g. dolls, buttons & bumper stickers). 
Overall rating: I'd go back to grab some of their fresh scones to go. The options change daily. 
Added Perk: Neighborhood locals get a 10% discount on take out items, e.g. cupcakes & muffins. 


Kellie said...

I'm seriously coveting your lady of leisure status!

Lizzie said...

I've never been there, I only heard of it recently. That sounds so fun, I can't wait to go.

Jan said...

Oh Yum!
Bright and pretty here today too......I'm just loving it!

erin said...

locals get a discount?? do i need to bring in my rent stub or something?? :)