Mar 7, 2009

74th & Amsterdam.

Bump, bump, bump. We asked this man if he was trying to get out or in. He said in (!!). This is reason #476 why we don't own a car. 

* Suzi * Sarah Jane * Kathryn * Erin * 

Outside of Shake Shack, patiently waiting for our buzzers to tell us that our Shack Burgers were ready - our appetizer before heading to meet Jill & Julia @ Levain. A bit gluttonous, perhaps. Delicious, without a doubt.

Did I mention that it was 65 degrees today? It was. Notice the sun glasses & lack of layers + ridiculous amount of winter accessories. We walked home, through the park. It was lovely. 

Welcome, spring. We've missed you. 


Jill said...

bless the sun!

Suzi said...

It was a lovely day indeed. And it looks like I could use a tan now that my layers aren't covering my blinding whiteness.

erin said...

more of this. what fun. :)

Lindsey said...

65?! That is heaven! We had a pretty nice weekend too, but I don't think it was even 60...hopefully on it's way up there though.

Cute picture. Hooray for girl-time. And eating at good places.

dad said...

Man - what temperature swings you guys have had recently!

Tara Edwards said...

Jealous! Did you know it was snowing here this morning! Seriously!