Mar 7, 2009

65th & Columbus.

I had a nice Saturday, starting off with a yummy breakfast with JS this morning just before the Women's Conference held at church

 I love our urban temple. Isn't it pretty? 


Jill said...

love it. i'm so happy we have a temple in the city.

Missy said...

Beautiful, really.

Lindsey said...

wait! that is where we went when you were in london. they are in ny now? wow.

what did you get so i know what to get next time...

alan had lunch with a friend there and he said it was very very good.

k. said...

I know! It turns out that it's been here for a while. Funny, right? It's so yummy. Jill & I both had the oatmeal with fresh berries (so, so good) + the mint lemonade. Loved it.