(4) Benefit BadGal (5) MAC Zoom Lash (6) Lancome Definicils
I feel like I've tried them all & I'm still not thrilled. It's okay to have high expectations of your mascara, right? I think so. MAC's Zoom Lash has the best value/performance ratio, BadGal kept me happy for a while but just doesn't any more, DiorShow was incredibly disappointing (especially for the price) & really let me down, Max Factor's 2000 Calorie may have scared me away from drugstore mascara forever, Definicil's is sort of blah, & I'm currently using Stila's Major Lash & feeling so-so about it. But I'm not really feeling it with any of them. Have I missed a girl memo somewhere? I want sparks. I want passion.
What's your favorite?
I do not like Bad Gal. The brush is way too big for me & pokes my eyes! (I got a free sample)
I worked at a Lancome counter for a while and LOVED their mascara. Hypnose is my favorite. But I really just don't think it is worth it to spend $20 on a tube of mascara. Way too much.
My drugstore favorite is Covergirl Remarkable (purple tube).
My favorite for the past 2-3 years is Maybelline's Full n Soft. Inexpensive is my thing since Ben started school. I guess I like the clean soft look anyway. Plus, I used to be all about designer mascara but I recently used some MAC and I didn't like it any better than my drugstore brand. In fact it was more clumpy.
I feel the same way. I have been using BadGal for years, but like you, it just doesn't cut it anymore. I tried Dior Show, and I was so disappointed. Bizarro Jill and I got free tubes of Lancome, but I don't really love it either.
Mascara is one thing I am willing to pay for (because it is the only makeup I consistently wear every day). If you find a good one, Please let me know!
I'm a big believer that mascara is not one of the cosmetics that you need to spend a lot on - I spend more on eye shadow and blush and other stuff, and buy mascara at the drugstore (I know you just said you're now scared of drugstore mascara, but there are good ones! Max Factor is just not one of them).
Have you tried Maybelline Define-a-Lash? It's in a green tube. It's what I'm using now and it most definitely lengthens and defines. Not clumpy at all, just really pretty.
I've also used L'Oreal Voluminous in the past - whenever I put it on the first time after I buy it, I'm completely amazed and want to take my eyelashes out on a date. That's how good they look. With my last tube however, it started getting really clumpy towards the end of the tube. I think I just used it for too long. You're supposed to throw them out after 6 months or something but I always forget.
Seriously, try Define-a-Lash. It's only like $5, so if you hate it, it's not much of a loss!
I'd also consider L'Oreal Voluminous - It's available in regular or waterproof. It's great at thickening, but doesn't lengthen like some others. Maybe your was old like you said....it shouldn't clump...
For fun, Google Mascara reviews - there are articles and U Tube evlauations - kind of fun, actually.
i just fall back on great lash cos i'm hesitant to experiment with expensive brands for fear i'll hate them and regret the waste of money. i think i tried avon once and liked it. bah, i'm no help. lemme know when you fall in love.
I like Clinique's. The one that comes in the plain silver tube. I have an Estee Lauder one right now that someone gave me, and it's okay, but I'll go back to the Clinique mascara, I always do.
I have used Maybelline's Great Lash mascara (the bright pink and green tube)for the past couple of years. I like it. And its pretty cheap. I used to use Mac but I didnt love it and the Lancome one Julia and I got is not that great either.
Love, Bizarro Jill
You crack me up! Love this post. I'm not a lot of help, as I'm a drug store variety mascara gal.
My current mascara is Blinc Kiss Me Mascara(available at Sephora). The reason I hate mascara is because I always have to get extreme waterproof so it doesn't end up on my face, but then at night when I hate to take it off I have to use expensive oils that make my eyes hurt. So Blinc Kiss Me cures that because it never rubs off on my face & I can wash it off with water! BUT, it doesn't make my lashes as FULL as I would like. I guess you win some you lose some. I'm glad you warned me about Dior Show because I was thinking of trying it out.
Here is a review of Blinc Kiss Me Mascara:
Kellie, I don't care if you're a drugstore girl! You have the prettiest eyes, always. I want to know what you use!! I've just been burned. Please be patient with me. :)
I am usually a drugstore girl too, although I have heard wonders about fiberwig which is available at sephora.
I'm not a big mascara person (it's usually what I leave off when I want a makeup break), but after doing clinique, lancome, origins and aveda for a while (I've tried the Boots brand at Target for a cheaper version but it was a no go), I actually landed on Costco mascara. It works well for me- the long, thin lashes. (I don't get the volume thing. It feels too makeup-y.)
I guess that's no help. I'm excited to hear the pros verdict though.
Wow. Sounds like drugstore is the way to go. I've tried almost all of these too. BadGal had too big of brush, I'm with Jill on that one. I loved Mac for a while, but then jumped around to others. I LOVED how Dior smelled. It smelt like fresh flowers to me. I'm using Lancome right now, but I notice flakes beneath fairly easily and it is driving me nuts!
Honestly, I think I like the green and pink tube. I notice it dries out quickly though (what is the name of it??) so it might be drugstore + cheap, but I need to buy more of it. In fact, I think I'll go that route next.
Although Julia is making me want to try L'Oreal Voluminous since she wants to take her eyelashes out after using it.
I love mascara, it is the one thing I actually do ALWAYS wear so I'm on the search too. But, I certainly haven't been brand loyal.
as far as cheap drugstore stuff goes, i like maybelline lash discovery. it has a teeny tiny little brush. i hate big brushes, i jab my eyeballs with them.
I usually use one of the less expensive mascaras MAC makes because one of the workers highly recommended it. But, when in Logan, I ran out, and needed to purchase something pronto. I went to the local drug store and decided to try out the NEW Colossal Volum' Express Mascara by Maybeline. Its bright yellow with purple writing. I love it and will purchase it again when I run out.
Really, it makes my lashes feel luscious!!!
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