Bedford Street.

Friend Amy, the fearless & trusty navigator.

More whipped cream, please.

Catbird. Favorite, favorite shop.

Bright & beautiful, & full of all sorts of pretty things.


Wall art.


Lots of bicycles.

Family bicycles.

There is a special place in my heart for really good graffiti.
Maybe I'll re-name it Wonderful Williamsburg Wednesday*. Why?
A) Williamsburg is wonderful.
B) It was approximately 65 degrees outside on Wednesday, when I was in Williamsburg, & I was wearing a tshirt.
(*The morning did sort of start out not-so-wonderfully. Per the dead body previously referenced, we saw one while walking down 89th street on the way to the subway, laying on a stretcher in the middle of the road - in the bright sunlight. You just couldn't miss it. We saw the paramedics & ambulance from afar, & soon realized that the person on the stretcher, uncovered, was in fact dead. Quite dead actually - very, very pale - & very, very old. The paramedics saw us a few moments too late, & covered up the body with a sheet. But not before we got a really close look. The end.)
Back to Williamsburg being wonderful. It really is. It's hipster in contrast to Park Slope's more high end & residential feel. Bedford Street is so fun to wander, full of small shops & (often inexpensive) restaurants. We didn't pick a spot to eat ahead of time, but were lucky to stumble upon Fabiane's. The waiters were friendly, the food was fantastic, & I'm pretty sure it cost less than the number of toes on my two feet. We found a vegan ice cream shop, a muffin counter that sold fresh homemade lemonade, & more Thai restaurants than we knew what to do with.
I forgot to mention that everyone was riding a bike. There were bikes everywhere, & it made me feel like I was in Oxford all over again. Charming.
Other Williamsburg favorites:
Hipsters pushing strollers everywhere
Lots of wall art & beautiful graffiti
Friendly shop keepers
Relaxed people walking at a pace much slower than Manhattan-ites
The Costco-sized Beacon's Closet (if passionate enough about vintage, you could devote hours.)
Did I mention I loved Williamsburg? I did, & I must go back, although this time I'll make sure to ride my bike there, while wearing my skinny jeans, big glasses & vintage tunic so that I blend in a little bit more.
I love doorways and I LOVED that one a lot.
Ok, this was the coolest post ever. I felt like I was right there with you (and I adore that card - can I have you buy me a couple next time you go?? I'd love to send it).
How far out of Manhattan is it? This has got to be the best part of being job-less, finding new parts of your city so you REALLY get to know your city.
Looks so fun. I want to go someday!
I'm so glad you're exploring - wish I was there :)
the dead body thing creeps me out. luckily the day totally redeemed itself ten times over. i've gotta go to that beacon store thinger. and catbird. i love stores with cute cards and little things.
Hey Kathryn! I loved reading this post about Williamsburg - I lived out there for 2 years, and it is so much fun. Next time you go out, go eat at Chimu (corner of Skillman St. and Union Ave). It's a little Peruvian restaurant and it's AMAZING. I day-dream about that food. I once even asked the waiter to find out the recipe for the arroz con leche, which he did (and signed with a heart) and I've taped it into my cookbook. Order the peruvian fried rice, douse it in the green sauce, and the tacu tacu de carne. Enjoy!
Um, Emily. Don't make fun of me, but we totally went. Last night. To Chimu. BEST. PERUVIAN. FOOD. EVER. I just had my leftovers for lunch, and my tummy is so very happy.
Thank you, thank you. :)
I never make fun when it comes to food. So glad you enjoyed it! I only wish you could fedex some down to me here in NOLA. :)
I also feel compelled to share the following place with you since I know you love brunch:
Egg - go for brunch (be prepared to wait a bit or go early) and order the country ham, fig spread and grafton cheddar on a biscuit. It's amazing.
Oh and by the way, if anyone ever wants to visit New Orleans, email me/comment and I'll give you all the best places to eat and visit down here! (Flights from NYC via JetBlue are pretty cheap and NOLA is amazing!) Plus I would love to meet up with you!
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