Mar 3, 2009


My friend Lindsey has been my shining example of organization & domesticity (it's a word, I checked) this month, mapping out her meals each week & shopping in advance. Since I have a little bit of free time these days, I have no excuse but to jump on the bandwagon. 

My goal is to not count anything frozen from Trader Joe's as a meal for the rest of the week. Except for their edamame of course, which is a snack
Thanks to my various friends for implanting these ideas. Wish me luck on the follow through. 

*Update #1: Lemon Ricotta Pancakes = wonderful. Black bean salad = one of Mike's new favorite things (I used a lot of cilantro. I love cilantro). Pioneer Woman's Favorite Sandwich = "the best meal" Mike has had in a very long time. Gooey & delicious. We made them on our panini press & they were perfect. 100% success so far!

*Breakfast, lunch & snacks will consist of the usual: cereal, Fage Greek yogurt, cheese quesadillas with tomato soup (straight from the box - we prefer Trader Joe's roasted red pepper & tomato variety), brie & apples, & oatmeal. Oh - & I'm thinking of adding peanut butter + honey sandwiches into the rotation. Tara & her kids got me hooked on them last week. Yum. 


Heather said...

I've been wanting to do this same thing!'ve inspired me. I'm doing it. Thanks!

Jill said...

good work. menu planning seems like such a chore... but i bet once you get in the habit it makes life much easier.

Lindsey said...

Your menu sounds great. I love when other people do this, because I get to steal new ideas! I'm glad I look/sound organized to some people. :)

Heidi said...

Those pancakes sound so good- I am going to make them tonight for my family...

Unknown said...

Have you tried steel cut oatmeal (aka "irish")? It's my new favorite for breakfast. Sometimes with sauteed apples.. or just honey.

I've been snacking on hummus (with carrots or blue corn tortilla chips).

Missy said...

Those pancakes are on our list too this week!

I agree with Kelli - hummus + tortilla chips = yum.

Tara Edwards said...

I'd prefer what you are cooking, but peanut butter and honey are so so yummy, and for growing kids they provide lots of calories! My kids burn them like crazy!

Jill said...

Nice menu! The pancakes were delish. I love menu planning. It gets me excited to make dinner.

erin said...

how do you feel about peanut butter, honey and banana sandwiches? i feel really, really good about them. and if you want to take it a step further, i once saw paula deen pan fry/grill the pbh&b sandwich, then sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on it to finish it off. i think that's where the meal crossed the dessert line, but it looked insanely good. we should try that sometime.

k. said...

Kelli - I've had it, yes. It's my mom's favorite.

Erin - yes please. When? Tomorrow? Yes. Tomorrow sounds perfect for fried PB&J.

Katherine said...

Thank you for posting this! I made the black bean salad last night and loved it. Planning on making the pancakes tomorrow!