Mar 3, 2009


I had a lovely time in Portland. My favorite part was when Spencer & Parker said, We're really glad that you're here. But you & our mom talk too much. Let's just say that it was so fun to see Tara (& her family) every day instead of burning through cell phone minutes. 

We shopped around in the Pearl District (I picked up this frame at my new favorite boutique - oh wait, I guess I've been there before), visited just about every antique shop in Portland, spent a few magnificent hours wandering through Target (I found this laptop hideaway - it's perfect for our desk-less apartment), went to a cub scout dinner that Kevin organized, attended Parker's 4th grade reading celebration, ate sushi, played a significant amount of We Cheer on the Wii, spent an afternoon with my BFF Alissa who came down from Seattle, & had dinner at the magnificent Andina. Oh, & Tara may have spent hours & hours teaching me how to use my computer (thank you). It was a balmy 50 degrees every day I was there. New York was kind enough to welcome me back with a massive snowstorm, high temps in the 20's & 30mph winds. Thanks, City. 

Speaking of coming back. 

I had a meeting in midtown yesterday. Although I really, really wanted to wear my wellies, I had to be somewhat professional & chose my favorite flat (unfortunately traction-less) black leather boots instead. That was potentially a bad idea. I was walking into a shop & failed to notice the shiny metal plate inside of the door jam.  I would draw a diagram if I could, but picture this: I step onto the plate, slip, fly legs-up into the air, rotate counter-clockwise in mid-air (which requires much acrobatic skill, obviously) & land on my knee & wrist. My first thought was, I'm broken. Everything is broken. My second thought, as I was crumpled on the ground halfway in the snow & halfway in the store was, Why is this woman just staring at me? The woman at the counter, five feet away from me - DIDN'T SAY A WORD. She just sat there, staring. A couple passing by on the sidewalk ran to my side & asked if I was okay. Besides some bruised knees, a sore wrist, & a little bit of damaged pride, I was fine. But this woman. Seriously? She didn't say a word until I told her that her doorway was slippery & that someone should probably mop it up. Her response? Okay, I'll call someone. Thanks. Welcome home, Kathryn.

(PS - I'll borrow JS's phrase for a second... Jason Mesnick is a total dirt bag.) 


Meggan said...

Oh, I hope you are okay! I fell somewhat like that in the middle of my college campus and nobody really said anything to me either. A lot of people stared, though!

Glad you had a fun trip, but boo to being back in the cold.

Jill said...

that laptop hideaway is nice. i'm glad you had a good trip.

my trip back = not fun. it's rough coming back sometimes.

i was on a dinner date last night and didn't watch any tv, i hear the bachelor was a doozy though. so silly.

Lindsey said...

a) your portland trip sounds perfect.
b) i love the laptop hideaway.
c) ouch! your fall sounds horrible. i hate when stuff like that happens...but weird that the lady just stared and didn't say anything. so weird.

Erin said...

Glad that there were only bruises, and you were not broken! :) I can't believe that lady didn't say anything. So Typical of NY. I do embarrassing stuff like that all the time. But I'm sure you made it look much more graceful!! :)

Jennifer said...

Portland sounds fun! Glad you got home safely.

Tara Edwards said...

I'm sorry about the fall, maybe you should just come back. We had so much fun having you here! Also, I agree about Jason. I read a spoiler on the Bachelor site and was so upset I didn't even watch the show. What a dork.

Missy said...

My friend Rebecca who writes for Apron Stage wrote about how she was walking with her daughter in the bjorn and fell and a man actually just stared and then LAUGHED at her. How terrible for you (and her) and I'm baffled at how someone could just stand there and watch without helping. Socially awkward I guess.