Mar 26, 2009

Gluttony of food photos. Surprised? I didn't think so.

Disclaimer: This is technically not a food post, since Chelsea Market was a general destination, & not merely a food outing.

That being said, Chelsea Market is sort of a culinary heaven - full of shops, bakeries, seafood counters, restaurants & markets. The best part - most of the shops allow you to see the creation of their food. It's such a beautiful (indoor) place to just wander.

So, yes.

There was perhaps a bit of food involved.

Maybe Thai for lunch.

And some brownies. And a milkshake shop. And then Erin recommended a cupcake & cookies shop.

And then maybe to really seal the deal, Suzi suggested that we stop by The Donut Pub on our walk towards Union Square.

(I love my like-minded friends.)

It was a wonderful day, although I'm pretty sure I'll be going to the gym again tonight.

(A friend asked me a few days ago how much weight I've gained [!] - it's actually been quite the opposite, thank you very much. Walking around the city all day vs. sitting at a desk is definitely a perk.)

Fox's permanent leg-out position. Perhaps it's a defense mechanism against pedestrians who aren't paying attention.

PS - I love New York City.


Lula. said...

my mouth is watering. now i want dessert for dinner.

Lindsey said...

Mmmm... it all looks so good.

seriously, when is that food book being published? i think you know all the best places.

Missy said...

Those brownies...they look unbelievably good.

When is your blog going to accept advertising from all these restaurant/bakeries. I LOVE it.

Suzi said...

Such a fun day! And I didn't even notice you taking all of these pictures-I was there, but it looks so much cooler through your pictures. So talented you are.

erin said...

excellent, excellent pictures. the cupcakes were prettier than they tasted though. fox's rigamortis legs are great. i still think it's vanity... just admiring his shoes.

erin said...

um, next time, milk shakes??

Miggy said...

Julia's my homegirl. In fact I've been meaning to get together with her for a loooooong time. We're leaving the city in a few months and I still feel like "I haven't seen enough! I didn't utilize my time!"

SO we should all 3 chill. I see good times ahead. We're gonna be gone a lot in April, but I could possible do something this Moday morning, OR the next Mon or Tues after that. Let's plan it! And no I haven't been to those places.

Jennifer said...

This post has been just lovely. I think those donuts were speaking directly to me.