Mar 4, 2009

Mike's at work late.

Which leads me to do drastic things. 
Like standing on counter tops to take photos of not much of anything.  


Jill said...

i love this. and your dinner looks very yum indeed.

where are our husbands!?

C & E Hudson said...

you are so funny!! great picture,, and the notes on it

Missy said...

I love this too! Very fun picture...and your kitchen is so WHITE. I love it (I used to have a kitchen with all white cabinets and our house now has the honey colored...)

suz said...

Love the photo! What were you making for dinner it looks so good?

Louise said...

Perfect photo Kathryn - dinner looks yum and I love how fresh and clean your kitchen looks....

k. said...

S, I made a black bean salad w. cheese quesadillas. Yum! I really loved the recipe.

Jill said...

nice. nothing like those soothing sounds of coldplay to keep you company while making a yummy dinner. ill let you download our rockabye baby soundtrack if you wish :)

Unknown said...

Great idea/post! I too love all the white (and green). Fun to peek into your home.

Lindsey said...

Love seeing more of your place (and considering we will be swapping sometime in the near future.) :)

It is white and clean and so cute.

dad said...

I don't like the way the napkin beneath the can isn't straight.