Apr 26, 2009

Big, bright bunches of balloons always make me happy.

We spent a nice afternoon at Central Park. Me - taking photos for Suzi + family, & Mike - playing with his miniature lacrosse sticks with the boys  & hanging out with our friends that were picnic-ing at the Great Lawn. I'm happy to see that the tradition of Sunday afternoons spent at the park with our friends is continuing this year. All are welcome. Just show up. With food to share. Really.

Totally unrelated & random, but I'm wanting to document anyway -
  1. Sometimes I really wish that I had a private blog & knew all of my readers so that I could freely discuss all of the absolutely ridiculously absurd things that people say at church, sometimes right over the pulpit & oftentimes in Relief Society or Sunday School. I'm happy that I was sitting by a like-minded friend today. Yikes.
  2. Gnocchi al Gorgonzola from Trader Joe's is one of my favorite meals. It's frozen, it's easy, it's cheap, weird cheese has a tendency to make me happy, & gnocchi is my very favorite Italian dish.
  3. My big toe nails sort of look like shattered glass, I'm thinking due to my running as of late. I guess I haven't been paying attention during my pedicures & have had polish as a cosmetic shield. I was tired of bright pink toes the other day & took it off myself. Note to self: must get new pedicure ASAP. And are my toenails going to start falling off? Gross.
Andrew + friend Connor left this afternoon after our morning at church. They were good guests, & we had a lovely time with them. I especially love that I got to do things that I've never done in my city before. The Statue of Liberty? I'm pretty sure it was about time. And as uncomfortable as it is to cram four adults into our tiny little home (Guest room? We call that our living room-slash-dining room), I really love that Andrew has been to visit us a few times. It makes us feel loved.

Here's to a happy week.


erin said...

need to hear the church story please. thanks.

erin said...
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Krista said...

okay so you really don't know me but I follow your blog and I'd love to hear your funny stories but I can totally understand.
Also, I'm running a marathon on May 16th and my toes are struggling as of late. boo. I have 4 black/gray toenails. Totally gross. I'm hoping it's just b/c I have new shoes but it's sure bummer when I wear flip flops.

Suzi said...

You are a good friend to take our pictures...especially since W was soooo grumpy. Thanks again!

jocelyn said...

wow that makes me so curious about what someone said in your relief society! has kera ever told you about some of the crazy commenting that goes on in the golden gate ward relief society? i secretly love all of the awkwardness because it makes things more interesting! also, i too love the trader joe's gorgonzola gnocchi. the first time i made it i was a little weirded out by the frozen discs of cheese, but i have now come to love it! lastly, i am sooo with you on the mormon girl photography phenomenon. but you actually have talent, not just a nice camera.

Zach and Kara said...

We do not know each other, but I love your blog! I just ran a marathon and didn't lose one toenail because I kept them closely clipped at all times. Seriously, before every long run, I'd cut them. Good luck! It's a blast.