Apr 13, 2009

He even doodles.

I love Mike a little bit extra today, because when I walked into our apartment from my flight this morning I found the following: 
  • A card, with a really cute Arizona cactus on it, with something sweet written inside. 
  • Mike standing there with my pajamas literally in hand (he knows how well I sleep on planes), + an eye mask so I could crash for an appropriate number of hours (that number turned out to be five). The time between arrival & my soft, warm bed was perfectly brief thanks to his preparation.
  • An extra quilt laid out on our bed because it's freezing in Manhattan & in our apartment. 34 degrees when I landed, & I was wearing leggings & a short sleeve top. Gross. 
Thanks, M. You're a treasure & I'm glad we're both home. 


Diana said...

Wow, you're a lucky girl! (Do you think your love could talk to mine? I'm heading to Ohio on Wednesday and would love to come home to PJs and a card!)

Suzanne said...

How cute is Mike?! Love it and I especially love the doodle-so sweet!

Angie said...

we're living at 114th and 8th avenue, over in south harlem. you're on the upper east side i believe. thanks for the kind comment! we're excited but i'm sure it will be quite an adjustment! it's so good to know there are people out there willing to look out for us if needed.

erin said...


Jill said...

super sweet. lots of points there mike.