Apr 27, 2009

I only have two hobbies, really. Maybe three.

Running, which doesn't count, because really, I sort of hate it, but love it at the same time. Most days.


Cooking. Which isn't really a real hobby, but I like to do it.

This woman I saw yesterday makes me want to paint (JS, we need another Art Day). I'd love to learn how to paint, especially while wearing an excessively large hat.

I also want (need) to take a photography course. A real one. I sort of get overwhelmed about how much I don't know, & that's frustrating in light of how much I want to know. I don't want to read any more books, & I don't want to do anything else online. I've done that. I want more. I want a real class with a real person to answer my bagillion questions. Know of any in NYC?

Oh - & thank you, kind friends, for all of the nice things you say about my photos. They make me happy, because I really like to take them. I'm happy that a few turn out every so often. This photography business thing... See, I sort of have this tiny little problem (let's call it a pet peeve) with the phenomenon of Mormon girls who buy their first DSLR's & two weeks later think they can justify charging people actual, real, green money to take what are oftentimes mediocre photos. We've all seen it. It just bothers me, & it makes me not want to be one of those people (before the hate mail starts flying in, I'm not talking about all of you - e.g., Heather, you're amazing. I want you to take our photos the next time we're in Utah.). Anyway. Until I'm taking photos that are better than my-opinion-of-what-is-mediocre, I appreciate all of my abnormally pretty friends who let me practice on them & their children, & hope that people will continue to volunteer.


I also want to take a cooking class.

And a class about running, & how to avoid toenail loss.

There are a dozen+ classes at the Apple store I'd like to take, too. I get overwhelmed with my Mac sometimes.

(I sort of have a tendency to get overwhelmed, & then I make these lists, which in turn become very overwhelming.)


Heidi said...

I think classes are a great way to improve and learn. Last year I took a floral design class at my local community college. I kind of hated the teacher's style of floral arrangements but I was still glad I took it. I am sure there are plenty of places that offer classes in NYC. You could also always see if you could intern for free with a newspaper or magazine or famous photographer.

Jill said...

oh you're out of town this weekend... but our stake is doing an arts festival which includes a free photography class, the subject is 'magnificent indoor photography'.

we do need another art day. i have empty frames hanging that are finally starting to bother me.

Jennifer said...

Ryan and I were just discussing the I bought an SLR at Costco and now I'm a professional photographer trend...I totally get what you are saying.

Alyssa/Jo said...

You probably have absolutely no idea who I am, but I met you several times in Utah. I lived across from Patrick at Village on the Parkway, and I met you a couple of times. I saw you posted on Angie's blog, and I remembered Patrick or Kera mentioning at some point about you living in NY. I thought, "There is no way it's Patrick's sister." I was wrong. I love how small the world is. You are amazing at photography. I love all the pictures. I'm sure I'll be back to visit your site. ;)

JC said...

try the art students league on 57th street. They offer all sorts of great classes, and I believe I remember seeing one on photography. and painting. Also try the New School and the NYU Continuing ed. :)

Kera said...

i almost blogged about this so called "photography phenomenon" at one point, but resisted. It sort of drives me insane. Call me a coward but I would have offended many a reader.
But, you do take great photos.

Unknown said...

I think you're in a prime position (location, right equipment, talent, time) to take advantage of a photography degree at some art college (I'm sure there are many). And then start a business. And then have fun with that for the rest of your life. An idea?

erin said...

i researched photography classes when i first moved here and wanted to learn what to do with my slr cameras. now i like your idea better of selling them both and getting something a little more user friendly. this is the place i was looking at:


and matt's summer schedule is supposed to lighten up considerably, so keep room in your schedule for a dance class, too.

Missy said...

I'm with Kelli - it seems that you are in the best place to take advantage of some sort of photography school/class etc.

noelle said...

here, here! for the photog wannabes who charge for mediocrity. but you have true talent, darling. i would pay you. i would.

Morgan said...

I really hope that you don't mind my commenting. I'd definitely advise that you go for the photgraphy classes, just because they're so much fun! I took photography for two years in high school, and it was then that I really fell in love with it. You may be wanting to take digital classes, which I'm sure would be great, but I'd also suggest taking a film photography course because you learn so much that can be applied to digital photography as well, not to mention the fact that learning how to process film and develop pictures is just such a wonderful experience. And as someone else suggested, the Art Students League would be a great place to check. I've taken classes there for other things and have loved them.