Apr 28, 2009

I'm a firm believer in institutional absurdity

Apparently I was one of only a handful of downtown NYC workers that didn't flood in to the streets yesterday. I was oblivious to the events unfolding outside due to a meeting, but had I seen this out my window, I probably would have cut and run too.

This was shot from the perspective of the Goldman Sachs ops building, just across the river from my office.

Next up on the White House 'photo op' agenda: Sending a naval destroyer hurtling towards the levees of New Orleans.


k. said...

This just makes me SO. MAD. I mean, really.

a) People in NYC are a little sensitive to large planes flying directly overhead at really low altitudes.
b) No one even told Bloomberg! The mayer of New York City! He was livid, too. Nice coordination, White House. Probably should have thought that through before doing a "photo shoot" with fighter jets.
c) No wife likes to get a mid-day phone call from her husband where he says, "hi... something going on... have you looked at the news?? did you see anything?? people are evacuating..."


Oh - this article was interesting (for context)


Jill said...

we had so many people call our office in a panic. i just cannot believe they didn't inform any one that was happening! what were they THINKING??

we were all huddled around the office TV for 5 min until it was confirmed a military op. sheesh.

Jill said...

and your new orleans comment, touché!

erin said...

wait, it was air force one??? i thought it was just a random jet for a photo shoot or ad. shame, shame, shame on the executive branch of the federal government or whatever monkey schemed this up.

Kellie said...
