Apr 8, 2009

Various topics.

I'm wearing leggings. On a semi-regular basis these days, actually. I'm sort of embarrassed about this, given how anti-leggings I've been in the past. I mean, really, they're not even real pants. They're  basically just sweatpants, but tighter, so we call them leggings, but really, they're still sweatpants. But I like them. And I like (love.) this routine of not having to wear slacks + heels every day, but I still need to get dressed & be respectable every day - even if it happens at a later hour than it used to. Anyway. I really love yoga pants, & I really love PJ bottoms, but I like (need) to get dressed. So I wear my leggings, with a cute top + boots or sandals. I just bought two more pairs last week, cropped. Brown & black. It's a happy medium right now.

Speaking of leggings. I'm running my little heart out these days, really just out of sheer terror for October I think. I'm mixing it up with Power90, weights & 8 Minute Abs. It feels good, to be moving every day, to be walking around the city a lot. My muscles feel good. Overall, I just feel so much better balanced. And the days when I end up running on the treadmill vs. at the park - I'm really okay with that, too. I look out over the East River & get to see people running along on the path (or there are times like last week when I watched a man get arrested on the corner), & it's just interesting. I love people watching. On Monday I watched a man do Tai-Chi for 45 minutes. I can pretty much guarantee that he was having more fun than I was. 

Mike's birthday is on Friday. We'll be at a wedding in Arizona this weekend, so we'll be at the resort doing rehearsal dinner things & such that night. I feel sort of bad that the attention will be on Kevin & Claire (go figure) & not on Mike's 28th. This being said, we're celebrating in Williamsburg tonight instead. Mike picked his new favorite restaurant & I'm excited to give him his gift. He's a tough one to buy for, but I think I did okay this year. 

Speaking of wanting to be in Arizona right this very second, it snowed this morning in NYC. SNOWED! Naturally, I took my frustrations to Facebook & posted the following: 

Um, excuse me. IT'S SNOWING. Not happy. 

My darling friend Diane posted the following response & it sort of made my day + made me love New York a little bit more with all of it's quirks:

horrible! no good! very bad! at first i thought it was little particles of trash (i was on the m60 in Harlem this a.m.) and then realized it was, gasp! snow...lame!

Only in New York would we easily misconstrue snow for trash. This made me happy. 

I watched The Hills' season premiere on Monday. I think Spencer Pratt is one of the least useful human beings on the planet. Is that mean of me to say? That show is so, so stupid. I can't wait until next week.

The Tribeca Film Festival starts at the end of this month. We're hoping to snag tickets to a few good films. 

I'm off to get a pedicure. And then go to Yogurt Land with friends. And then to MAC, because I really love how I give them my empty containers & they give me a free lipgloss or shadow in return (it's so green of me, right?). And then on a date with my husband. Fun.


Unknown said...

Very fun!

Lindsey said...

this was a fun post.

i am a fan of leggings (and your new ones look so cute!).

have fun in az!

Emily said...

What brand of leggings do you wear? I have found them to be a bit sheer, especially with white unmentionables on. Would love to find some that aren't!

Erin said...

Greg and I just had a leggings conversation yesterday. I bought a pair. I Asked him if I could pull them off. He laughed. Then he made fun of leggings, and told me I used to too.

Wow did that make any sense?

Now I don't know what to do.

Good post. Made me laugh more than once. OH and feel bad about myself that I havent worked out in....oh, probably three years. Quit making me feel bad. Geesh! :)

Heidi said...

Oh the Hills- were you dying how Heidi was dressed to the nines just to ponder the snow outside at her parents in CO? Spencer is not a good human being. I'm judging him. And has every single girl on that show had collagen and botox? THey are only like 21! It is crazy.

k. said...

Emily - I like Express. Look at the ones I linked. They're nice & thick. I don't have any problems.

Erin - wear them. :)

Heidi - Amen.

Erica said...

can i just say ditto to your spencer pratt comment. he is so yucky!

Sine family said...

What they will give you an eye shadow. I thought it was just lip stick so I've been giving my empty containers to my mom or sisters since I hate lip stick. Now I feel silly because I love eye shadow and have been missing out my givig away my containers.

Missy said...

What tops do you wear over the leggings? They are the best, but I simply don't have many things to wear over them so I should invest!

erin said...

ya, i think leggins are a perfectly fine form of legwear. i say more power to you. when do you want to go to yogurtland again?? how did the gift go over??

Jill said...

i heart leggings.

i'm so proud of you + your workout routine. its hard to get started but does feel so good!

i want to hear what you got for mike...
and where you went for dinner. :)

k. said...

Tops - Long-ish ones. Or a short-ish top with a long-ish sweater over them. I don't have the butt to go straight leggings. Layers are cute.

Yogurt Land - Every day, please.

Gift - He stayed up until 11pm last night playing with his new Wii. I'd say that was a success! I fell asleep on the couch.

Dinner - Chimu. Peruvian. Williamsburg. We LOVE that place (thanks again, Emily!).