Apr 9, 2009

Yogurt Land, & a little story about how Karma came back & kicked me in the pants.

I went on an outing to Soho & Yogurt Land yesterday to partake of the wonder that all of my girlfriends seems to be talking about. They weren't kidding. Move over, Pinkberry - this stuff is unbelievable & absolutely worth the trek. Friends, would set tri-weekly visits be appropriate? I think so.

The yogurt was ridiculously good, but karma paid me a little visit before I got there.

Context + explanation of days events:

There are good young people in New York who want to make a difference. Good for them. Blessings to them from Heaven, of course. They are saving whales, children & the environment. They probably don't get paid. I commend them. They wear blue vests & they can often be found on 86th Street or around Union Square. They sort of remind me of Mormon missionaries. Cheerful. Friendly. Persistent.

But they're pesky.

Often times, they will sprint with you down the street if you don't stop to talk.

They throw out things like, This will only take 2 minutes of your time. You won't regret it.

Or, they make a comment that is supposed to make you trust them & want to talk with them. Hey, great bag! Where's it from? or Hey, my name's Dave, what's yours? Can we talk for a minute?

See, the thing is, New Yorker's are often in a hurry, often have an agenda. I've been approached (harassed) by these good-intentioned people many times in the past four years, often when I'm really needing to get somewhere. It gets old.

Cue yesterday, 5th Avenue, Chelsea:

I was rushing through Chelsea to make it to the subway at 14th street so that I could meet Erin at Bleecker Street. I ran out of a store & saw a blue vest. I quickly veered to the other side of the sidewalk in an effort to avoid him. I didn't make eye contact, but knew that I was spotted. I heard, Hey, what's your name? I'd love to talk with you. I kept walking. Quickly.

Out of nowhere, this man JUMPED in front of me. Literally jumped in front of me blocking my way on the sidewalk, 4 inches away from my face.

Defense mechanisms may have kicked in.

I sort of maybe kind of lost it. There was perhaps some loud speaking involved.

You can't jump in front of people on the sidewalk! You just can't do that! You can't make me stop! I don't want to talk to you!

I sprinted away.

Maybe not the biggest deal, but I sort of spoke forcefully, & like I said, my volume was sort of kind of a little bit loud, & these things combined could have been construed as me maybe being not super nice, & the look on this guy's face sort of confirmed that.

Cue Bleecker Street, Soho:

I exited the subway, & walked towards 6th Avenue while talking to Erin on the phone, admittedly not really paying attention to my surroundings - but I was trying to find Yogurt Land. It was important.

I crossed the street. I guess I didn't notice that the light was green & there was traffic heading straight for the BlackBerry attached to my head.

A large & appropriately scary looking man on a motorcycle missed me by about 4 inches, & proceeded to scream at me so loudly that my eyes watered.

It was totally my fault. The almost dying, part. I guess he didn't have to scream quite so loudly, but like I said... karma.


erin said...

um, i would have huge amounts of guilt had you been maimed. and i would have never been able to look at yogurland the same way. see, i think yogurtland was good karma for you for letting me use your laundry room.

Jill said...

they really are pesky... i always tell them "sorry, i'm working" if its in the middle of the day.

i'm so glad the motorcycle didn't take you out!