May 26, 2009

East Village Gluttony.

Don't make fun of me. I know I blog about few things other than food. I promise I do more than eat. I've explained this before. We don't drink. New York City apartments are small. We have to get out. Friends + food = a perfect combination for social enjoyment in Mormondom.


We went with friends Suzi & Steve + Kelsey & Robby down to the East Village to try out the Memorial Day-appropriate Crif Dogs. I sort of wimped out & just ordered a corn dog, but Mike was more adventurous & got something that involved avocado, bacon & sour cream. He ate it before I could sneak a bite (!), but said he liked it. My corn dog was yummy (nice batter & the 'dog was good), although not exceptional - but really, what am I comparing it to? I don't love hot dogs. Overall, it was a good cheap eat, but maybe not something I'd make the trek for again. BUT. It just so happens that the best ice cream on the planet is RIGHT. NEXT. DOOR. Just east. Australian Homemade. I had never heard of it, but the people walking out were making all sorts of happy faces so we knew it had to be good & decided to sample it before we headed down to 7th Street to grab cupcakes (Memorial Day = gluttony). I think all of us almost peed our pants because we were so excited at how good it really was. It really was the best ice cream. Ever. Mike had Strawberry Cheesecake. I had Peanut Butter. Amazing. 

We maybe went & got cupcakes afterwards, even though we had the unexpected ice cream stop. Mike & I shared. Butter Lane. I chose the banana (cake) & peanut butter (frosting) cupcake & it's official. It's my favorite cupcake in New York City. It really is. Mike agreed. Not too sweet. Not too dense. Nice size. Perfect amount of frosting. Amazing texture. Fresh & fluffy. Heaven. 

The Dessert Truck was on St. Mark's Place as we walked back to the subway, & we debated stopping. But that would have been borderline disgusting, so we resisted. 

We feel like we're getting more comfortable with the East Village. It's a quirky little neighborhood & I always feel a bit matronly whenever we're there, but I like it & it's a fun change of pace every so often. I just need to head to F21 & pick up a pair of hot pink skinny jeans to wear next time. 

A quick recap of our favorites: 


Julia said...

Kathryn, you need to write a book. Your guide to eating and living in New York City.

Jill said...

I need to try that ice cream immediately.

Unknown said...

did i tell you already that you should do nyc food tours? you should. i am wanting to come just so i can eat at all these places.

Heidi said...

I'm with Lindsey! I want to plan a trip around eating in NYC with you as my guide. You really should work for a travel magazine/publication.

noelle said...

your foodie pics are warm and happy, yet i often leave your blog feeling famished and a bit underfed. i really need to be in nyc. i do. or at least my palate does.

Suzi said...

I need that ice cream now. It really is the best I've ever had.

Angie said...

ha, i thought kelsey and robby would be in your ward. they are our friends from utah. small world. (it gets a lot smaller when you're a mormon in manhattan.) and i don't judge you on your gluttony. there really isn't a ton to do in new york besides eat! okay there's a lot to do, but a large portion of that is eating.) i'm done now.

Kera said...

you need to remind us of all the food places you said were good here. i think we went to 5 guys about 5 times after you left. mmm.

erin said...

next up: find a restaurant that serves the most delicious steamed broccoli on the planet. after yesterday, my guts are kind of rolling. but it was maybe worth it. a little.

Elizabeth said...
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